Lie #11: Homeschoolers don't have a Principal

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  • Dedicated to My Dad

Lie #11: Homeschoolers don’t have a Principal

When you do something wrong in public school, you get sent to the principal’s office. But what happens when you do something wrong in homeschooling?

Tomorrow is father’s day and it’s actually my dad’s birthday today, so I thought, “Eh, why not write about dads?” So here I am to let you know all about what a homeschooling dad does.

Typically a homeschooling mom doesn’t have a job, so a homeschooling family usually lives on one paycheck. It’s completely up to the dad to support the family financially. It’s a tough job, especially because most homeschooling families are rather large. I have 7 other people living with me… and a dog. Life can get costly.

But I have an amazing dad who somehow manages to make enough money AND still has time to spend with us kids. Over a year ago, he quit his job to go off on his own and start his own business. At first, money was tight, but now he makes more than he ever did as a manager at his previous job!

He even has me working for him as well as other employees. And we are moving in like two weeks to a much bigger house! I’m so excited because I’ll finally have my own room!

And yet, he still has time to discipline us. Which although it’s not so fun, I know he means well. Technically I guess he could be called my principal.

One time when I was in 3rd grade or so, my mom was gone for the day, so she left my dad to teach me and my siblings. I still remember what he taught us to this day. On a dry erase board, he drew a picture of a naked butt and told us that it was a moon.

I’m not even joking.

He did actually teach us school too. I remember him reading us a book about inflation almost everyday. It was the most boring book ever but I think we got m&ms for paying attention.

He only taught me a few times…. probably to lessen the load for my mom. And now since I’m in high school, neither he nor my mom teach me. I do basically all  of my school work on my own.

When I started writing this chapter, I put the title as “Lie #11: A Homeschooler’s Dad is the Principal.” But in a way, that is actually true, so I changed it to saying that homeschoolers don’t have a principal…. because really, we do have a principal.

Our dads discipline us and teach us the principles we should live by. Their principal job is to be a principal that teaches principles.

If you’re reading this dad, I just want to let you know that I love you and hope you have a great bday and father’s day because you deserve it. Thank you so much for being my principal all these years!

Anybody watch TFIOS? I really want to see it!! Even though I haven't even read the book.... I'm getting to it, okay

Look at the picture I attached if you want to laugh. Okay? Okay.

Next update: June 21

<3 Ashlyn

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