Having Attitude All Day Long...........................

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Dad- "For the last time Allyssa clean your room"

Lissy- "And I said I would do it"

Dad- "Then when"?

Lissy- "Sometime today"

Dad- "Allyssa I'm tired of asking you to clean your room"

Lissy- "Then don't ask me"

Dad- "Allyssa lose the attitude"

Lissy- "Whatever"

Dad- "Watch your attitude Allyssa"

Lissy- "Fine. Now I am going to watch some tv"

Dad- "No your not until your room is properly cleaned"

Lissy- "But Dad"

Dad- "No buts about it Allyssa"

Lissy- "Ughhh....Dad"!

Dad- "The sooner you clean your room the sooner you can watch tv"

Lissy- "Fine"! I said angrily.

Dad- "Don't even think of slamming that door young lady"

Lissy- "Whatever" I said

Dad- "Don't you think that I won't let you go to the mall with your friends tomorrow"

Lissy- "You wouldn't dare" I said as I turned around and looked down from where I was standing

Dad- "Try me" I said with a lot of seriousness in my voice

Lissy- "Fine" I said in a calm tone with a little bit of attitude

Dad- I'll let that reply that she just said slide. "Oh and Danny and Grace are coming over later tonight as well"

Lissy- "But I have plans tonight"

Dad- "You didn't tell me anything about it"

Lissy- "Yeah I was going to tell you"

Dad- "We will see if you can...."

Lissy- "Yes"!

Dad- "On one condition"

Lissy- "What"?

Dad- "That your attitude changes and you are more respectful towards me"

Lissy- "Ugh...fine"

Dad- "Excuse me"?

Lissy- "I mean.....yes sir"

Dad- "They should be here within an hour"

Lissy- "Great joy"

Dad- "Allyssa" I said warningly

Lissy- "Sorry"

-Couple of hours later-

Dad- "Allyssa come here please"!

Lissy- "Do I have to"?

Dad- "Allyssa" I said warningly

Lissy- "Fine I'm coming"!

-Dads Study-

Dad- "Danny and Grace should be here soon. I want you to be respectful towards Danny and Grace. Is that clear"?

Lissy- "Dad don't worry"

Dad- "Lissy I mean it"

Lissy- "I will"

Dad- "Good"

Lissy- "So what's for dinner"?

Dad- "Tacos"

Lissy- "Yummy"

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