Chapter 1

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He was perfect. The spitting image of an angel trapped in a human body. He's talented, smart, kind, funny, and so adorable! He is everything. He sits in the front right corner of the class while, I️ sit at the back left corner. I️ stare at the back of his head. Blonde, middle length and so cute. He turns towards my side of the class and I️ look away, afraid he might catch me staring. I️ focus on the work in front of me, but can't resist and look through the corner of my eye at him.
I️ can't help but tap my finger on my desk. Lunch in 5 minutes. Then I'll do it. I️ will talk to him. Hopefully.

I️ did it. Well, sort of.
I found my courage and gathered up the strength I had left. Maddy practically dragged me to his locker and made me talk to him with her menacing body language. I didn't want to start a fight so blushing very profusely I shyly asked,

"Hi, River. You probably don't know me but I... I'm Sarah. This is my friend Maddy. I️ was sorta just wondering if you had a Lab partner for science class yet?"

"Hi Sarah and her friend Maddy, Sure I'd be your lab partner! So see ya in 3rd period?"

Blushing I quickly turned to leave when I️ tripped. I️ fell right on top of him knocking him to the ground. Ace, the school bully, happened to be walking by with a bunch of his "minions" and saw us pressed up against each other lying on the cold, hard, school floor. This couldn't get any worse.

"Ooooh look! You little slut! By the way, River, you can do better, and I thought you were all about 'good morals and being a role model' She isn't worth your time."

Tears springing to my eyes, I quickly got up and brushed myself off. All I️ could hear was laughter. Laughter clouding my ears from hearing anybody's voice, any sound at all. I️ didn't think. I️ ran. As fast and as far as a could, the events racing through my mind faster than I️ could ever run. I️ run through the maze of hallways and out the doors, through the park, through the forest and through the stream, until I️ reach my destination, my safe haven, my only safe house when my mom is drunk or sick, my safe house when Ace pushes me over the edge, or when I️ just need space to think or imagination.
My little shack 200 metres from the stream. This time, I️ come to this place from embarrassment and love. The only person that knows about this place is Maddy. She is the only person I️ could ever tell anything too. She'd understand. I️ sit down in the corner of my little shack and cry. I️ cry until my voice is no more and my eyes swell until I️ can only see through a little slit. I️ lose track of all time and fall asleep.
When I️ awake the door is open and Maddy, River and Wil stand in front of me. Maddy is laughing at something Wil said and River is staring at the floor. They don't realize I️ am awake. River looks amazing from this angle. His big, round, rimless glasses are perfectly balanced on his cute little nose. His sea blue eyes match perfectly with his light blue collared shirt and blue jeans. His lips so pink and plump. He looks worried. Like somethings wrong, worried. Maddy and Wil's laughter dies down and they turn to face me. Wil elbows River and they all look at me longingly.

"Are you okay?!" Maddy croaks, her voice hoarse from all the laughter.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I sigh struggling to stand. River and Wil rush to my side, lifting me up to my feet. Once am able to stand without help, Wil and Maddy step outside. I am thankful for that so I can finally apologize to River for taking off and leaving him there. I start to speak but stop myself when I see him. He is staring at the ground making a circle with left foot. He looks nervous, as though he is scared to talk to me. Why would he be scared of me? I try and speak again, this time words seem to spill out without any thought.
"River. I....I'm so so sorry. It was all my fault. I tripped and fell and couldn't stop myself and I didn't mean to fall on you and then Ace came-"
"It's not your fault," River replies "It's okay. Ace is a complete asshole. Don't let him bug you. It was an accident. I don't let him get to you like he got to me." He grabs his wrist and twists it in his hand. A tear falls from his beautiful eyes and we fall silent, afraid to say anything that may cause more suffering.

Love like a River (A River Phoenix and Wil Weaton fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now