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It was early, and birds sang outside the window. Briana Daniels stirred as the radio alarm sounded beside her. Fumbling for the off switch, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Swinging her feet to the wooden floor, she blinked when she was met by warmth. This change was hard to get used to. Shouldn't she hear people yelling, barking orders at her? No. Why wasn't there a haunting woman staring down with fire in her hand and in her eyes, limbs shaking, and teeth clenched? No. She needs to flash the light- she forgot to flash the light when her alarm went off. No, she didn't need to do that anymore.

Just months before, she and her best friend, Austin Jessup, had run away from home, hoping to seek freedom from the years of torment they had suffered. Fate brought them back to the Carmichael safe house, and the parentlike couple that had started the refuge up from the ground, on their own. By the end of that year, the county police and social services had found a way for the owners to receive government funding for the hideaway.

Now, thanks to that loving couple, Briana and Austin had been taken out of two unfit homes and put into one that they deserved. She only hoped that didn't change. "Good morning, kids. The pancakes are ready and on the table. Have a good day at school. I'll see you later," her foster father, Jamie, called, making his way to each room to say goodbye. Flinging her door opened, she popped her head out into the hall, giving him a quick wave.

Jamie stopped when he reached her, his eyes calm and kind as he kissed her head and placed his hand on her cheek. She folded into his touch, giving him a small hug before he moved on to Austin. Austin Jessup... her closest, dearest friend.

There was an outfit hanging on her closet door, but she had picked it out late last night, after hours of homework. Looking over it now, Briana knew it wouldn't cut it at her new school. Everyone on this side of town was obsessed with fitting in, looking perfect like Cassidy. Stop it. The teenager bit her lip and flung the few clothes she had to the floor. Looking through pictures in her phone, Briana tried again. Fitted sweatpants wouldn't work yet. No... it needed to be something nicer. As a long groan left her lips, she thought about what her foster sister might wear. Putting herself in Courtney's shoes sometimes made it easier to decide on outfits. No... leggings weren't quite right... there. She finally selected a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt that didn't look too worn, pairing that with her boots.

As Jamie disappeared down the staircase, Briana smiled at her foster brother as he fell into step beside her. Neither of them spoke. The other kids were too close behind for them to discuss anything of real importance. That would have to wait until later. All that mattered was that they were safe and happy, which they were. Briana hoped they would stay that way.

As soon as feet hit the kitchen floor, the commotion began. Laura was already bustling around the room, handing off lunches, scribbling notes, and yelling into her earpiece to a co-worker. "No, I told you we needed to move that to next week. There's an important client I really need to meet with. I'm worried about him... I'm not going to be able to rest until I know I've done everything I can to tie up this case. Right... exactly what I said. Thank you," she said, ending the call with a sigh.

After rummaging around for a few minutes, she looked at her family and kissed her husband goodbye. "Well, I'm off to the firm. I will see all of you this evening. Dinner's in the fridge. I might be late... there's that meeting with the Fitzgerald family today. They're looking to sue for custody of their nephew. I just need to make sure that they get what they need, and what they deserve," she pointed out, slipping files into their proper places before shutting the briefcase with a click. With one last wave, she smiled and was out the door, fiddling with her key fob as she hurried to unlock the golden Lexus. Mere seconds passed before she was turning out of the driveway and headed down the street.

Eye of the Storm -SAFE HOUSE BOOK 2-Where stories live. Discover now