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Knockturn Alley was a dangerous place. Her mother had always warned her about here. But here they were, as a family following a stranger throughout the old alley.

They turned the corners until they finally reached their destination. She looked up to see the old Borgin and Burkes sign. She clenched her jaw making sure the screaming building up inside her didn't come up. She just wanted to run, away from here, away from this world. But her feet was still parallel to the cold ground.

The stranger opened the door and ushered them in. The artifacts inside were absolutely terrifying, some she wished she had not seen. But her curious eyes wandered around the store and secrets of the dark magical world was revealed to her. She found blood stained cards, masks, knives, and perhaps a muggle eye?

"Wonderful isn't it dear?" The stranger laughed maliciously, sending shivers down Hermione's spine. She couldn't exactly agree with the choice of words the stranger used but she nodded anyway.

The Gaunts followed women deeper inside the store to find a hidden door. The stranger turned back to them, giving them an unpleasant smile before casting an nonverbal spell to open the door.

The floors creaked each step Hermione took. Hesitantly, Hermione looked up into the dark lord's eyes.
"Well done Bellatrix" He said in a husky tone.

It was Bellatrix Lestrange! Hermione remembered. The most dangerous of the dark lord's followers, who recently had escaped from Azkaban.

"Now, you may be wondering why I have summoned you to be here" He started taking a step towards her and her brother. She grimaced at the sight of his face, for it was absolutely terrifying.

"I am giving you a wonderful opportunity for the you two to join us as a death eater" He smiled wickedly almost like knowing how afraid she was.

"A death eater? But didn't my father promise till the age of eighteen sir? And Charlie, he's only thirteen my lord" Hermione asked, remembering how her father once told her the way to address Voldemort.

"Yes, but the war is starting Miss Gaunt, and I am sure your parents would be very proud of you for joining us wouldn't you be hmm?" Voldemort lifted his head looking at her father.

"Yes of course my lord" Her father replied in monotone. The dark lord gave a smirk before looking back at the two children.

She turned and met with her fathers stone cold eyes. Where was his courage? Where was his stubbornness? Where was his love? She clenched her jaw in irritation.

Her parents hadn't even spoken to her properly in months and now, they sound like mindless zombies, agreeing to every word that spilled out of the dark lord's mouth.

"So will you accept Miss Gaunt?" The dark lord asked.

Hermione took a deep breath contemplating her choices. She could one, accept and become a death eater. Or two reject, and put her family's life at jeopardy.

She knew which choice she had to make. No, scratch out choice, she definitely didn't have one right now. As much as she knew how bad it would be if she accepted, she couldn't put her family's lives at stakes. She just couldn't.

She looked back at her parents and then turned her head to see her little brother. He was staring intently at her, seeing what she would do next.

His lips were trembling and it was obvious to see how scared he was.

"Will my brother join too, though he's only thirteen my lord?" She asked again. The dark lord gave an impatient sigh before answering her question.

"Of course. He's very lucky, to have such a wonderful choice at such a young age"

Hermione inhaled deeply before closing her eyes. I have to do this. Be confident, don't be scared. She repeated.

She met the Voldemort's dark eyes before nodding in agreement.
"I accept the offer my lord" she said confidently. The dark lord gave an approving nod before turning to her brother.

"And you boy?"
Charlie took a sharp intake of breath, hesitating but soon realizing he had no other choice.

"Yes I want to join too my lord" The trembling in his voice was almost unnoticeable.

"Now give me your arms and I shall reward you with the dark mark" Hermione rolled up her sleeves, revealing her bare arm.

Pain was the first thing she registered. It was like needles poking deeply into her arm, or fire being set off onto her bare skin. She clenched her jaws and fought back the tears in her eyes.

After seconds she was done, and the dark lord turned to her brother to do the same. Charlie clenched his eyes shut and balled his hands into a fist due to the excruciating pain.

"Now come, we have a meeting at the Malfoy Manor" The dark lord instructed making Hermione realize her promise with Draco.

The promise that she hadn't kept.

Hermione GauntWhere stories live. Discover now