Chapter 4

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"Gavin stop I'm not ready" I say looking down.

"Oh sorry!!" Gavin says shaping out of it.

"Sorry..." I say blushing still not looking him in the eyes.

"Its fine I don't want to pressure you!" Gavin says blushing.

"Well can we go out?" I ask.

"Where?" He asks.

"That's a surprise!" I squeal. I grab a sock and hand it to him. "Put it on so you won't know"

"OK...." He says putting it over his eyes.

I lead him to his car. He might of fallen down the stairs and ran into walls on the way but he's fine. When he make it into the passengers seat he sighs. I turn the radio on a speed down the road with my shades on and windows down. Gavin got scared and started holding onto the seat as if he was about to die.

"Are you trying to kill us?" Gavin yells.

"OK course not" I say.

"Well I don't want to die so slow down" Gavin screams.

"OK" I say hitting the gas pedal and going even faster. The whole way he was basically screaming at me to slow down and growling. I laughed and kept going even faster. Until I reached the carnival.

"Here we are" I say pulling off the sock from his eyes.

"Your getting punishment when we get home!" Gavin growls or shall I say his wolf growls.

"It was worth it!!" I squealed getting out of the car. I ran up to the ticket box.

"2 all night passes please" I say to the worker. Gavin walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Of course" She said staring at Gavin batting her fake eyelashes. When she turned to Gavin a kissed him to tell her to back off.

"Thank you" I tell her smirking.

"Well time for me to wins some teddy bears!" I squealed pulling Gavin around.

"Hey mister how come no one is at this station" I asked the worker.

"Its really tricky and hard to win. I don't think I ever heard of someone winning the game!" The guy said.

"Well we'll try it right Gavin?" I ask.

"Yea we'll try" He repeated handing the guy our money.

I watched as Gavin tried to win the game. Oh I understand. There are two hops that are in plain sight. They are far back so its hard it see the size and if the ball will fit. Everyone misses because they soot the wrong hop. The real hop is in the sign of the game. The old guy has some tricks up his sleeve i give him that. After Gavin loses I smirk at the old guy and grab my three ball. I back up to the sign at shoot all the balls into the the right. They old mans jaws dropped to the ground.

"I want the biggest sized Monkey, and the blue and pinjk wolves please" I say smirking.

"You've got a smart one my boy" The old guy says looking at Gavin. He's still shocked. "Make sure not to tell the other people"

"Gavin here you go" I say handing him by blue wolf.

"How did you figure that out?" Gavin asks.

"Well I looked at the instructions and the size of the balls and hoop. They didn't match so I looked at the sign and saw it had the perfect sized hoop for the balls and went from there" I said shrugging.

"Your...Just...Perfect" Gavin says in between kisses.

"Well let's do some more stuff before we go and eat junk food" I say pulling him along.

We went on the roller coaster, teacups, and played a lot of games. We had to go back to the car to put the stuff we won in. It was awesome.

"Breeja let's eat I'm starving!" Gavin whined.

"OK ok!" I say. He then walks me up to the food station.

"Oh I want a funnel cake with strawberries, strawberry banana smoothie, and French fries!" I order.

"I'll take 5 burgers, some fries, and a chocolate shake" Gavin orders.

"OK it'll be right up" The old lady told us.,

"Pig" I coughed out.

"Your one to talk do you know how big funnel cakes are?" Gavin says.

"" They're big" I comment.

"Here's your food" The old lady says giving it to us.

"There are nice romantic spot right behind the ice cream truck. It give you a beautiful view of the carnival there" The lady said winking.

Me and Gavin walk there in silence. When we found the spot it was so beautiful. The stars where out and the carnival lights looked so pretty. I sighed and started eating my funnel cake.

"Breeja why do you always smile?" Gavin asks.

"Well as I say. You can't laugh without smiling" I quote.

"That doesn't answer my question" Gavin says.

"I smile because I love to see the positive. I'm smiling right now while someone just died. Should I be frowning about that? I smile because when I die I want to be remembered as a happy person" I tell him.

"Do you ever get upset and cry?" He asks.

"Well everyone has including me. I cry a lot but I still like to smile" I says shrugging.

"Oh" He says.

"Let's get off of this subjects its kind of depressing" I say laughing. After that we finish out food in silence.

"Let get on the ferris wheel" Gavin asked.

"OK" I say getting up. Gavin holds my hand and smile at me as we walk.

As where in the ferris wheel it looks so beautiful. The city was at a perfect angle and view.  When the ferris wheel stopped my heart skipped a beat at what Gavin said to me.

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