chp:1 murderer 🔫🔪

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Brooklyn's pov
'Hey Brooke its time let's make a show' dad says getting up.

'Um dad?'  I get his attention

'What pumpkin' he says taking a seat next to me again

'Can you only kill one person to prove your point please' i tell him

'Sure honey' he got out the door to meet the group as I still sit here taking my deep breathes and all

'Brooke come out please ' i hear dad say I slowly get up fixing my gun and knife in my holster
I open the door and get out seeing the group in front of my vision
Dad introduces me but doesn't say I'm his daughter which I was confused
'Hi' i say looking down
I then hear dad tubing the point the I hear the familiar sound of a skull crushing. I look up to see the red head saying 'suck my nuts'

Alright so im, gonna write chp2 soon just really tired rn with writing a new song and everything so I hope you guys injoyed this chapter I'm sorry it's not much but ya bye bby's 😍😘 please vote and comment

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