Chapter 3

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"Uh, hello?" You said.

Hagrid had taken no attention to you and was busy stomping his gargantuan feet to rid them of snow. The castle
creaked and groaned from this.

"Hoh! Ah- Hi! S'rry bout' that! Ma feet nearly froze off from tha cold outthere!" He exclaimed, still unaware of the frost covering his matted beard.

"Yeah, hello Hagrid. Uh, is the train here yet?"

"The train?"

"Yes, the Express."

"HOH!! S'rry kid, no train as of now, with this storm it looks like there ain't gon be a train at the station for about— say...three weeks time." He said, the ice melting from his beard and dripping loudly onto the marble floors.


This was insane. The Hogwarts Express always, through thick and thin, made its way to the station. What bad luck had doomed upon you, and standing there in shock, Hagrid made his way to the Great Hall to eat a great dinner. You were left all alone in the (now seemingly) dark, cold, and wet Entrance Hall.

Instead of going back to your dorm or visiting the Great hall for a feast, you trudged in your warmest boots to the foot of the large staircase leading to the dorms. Sitting there, thinking about what you could do— because going home now was out of the question, and going upstairs to the Common Room would be painstakingly awkward. You'd just told all your classmates you were on your way home for break.

Suddenly, a voice sounds from the hallway, echoing throughout the Entrance Hall. It's dimly lit and you're the only person there. The voice grows louder, speaking with more and more playfulness like the boy is talking with a friend. You listen closely and hear an exchange of goodbyes as footsteps become louder and more clear. Malfoy turns a corner and there he is, wand in hand, striding towards you— or, the staircase more like it.

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