4| the chicken guy

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Asa | Male
12: 20pm

"Hello! This is the Suicide Hotline, where we try to convince you not to kill yourself. How--"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome... wait it's you!"

"You know me?"

"I know your voice, you're the chicken guy!"

"The chicken guy?"

"Yeah! The one who asked which one came first!"

"So I'm the chicken guy now?"

"Well what else am I supposed to call you? I don't even know your name... wait why did you say thank you?"

"You saved me from falling to my death by answering the question"

"Are you serious? Were you playing with me that other day? Were you really going to jump off a 30 foot building if I didn't answer your stupid question?"

"I was serious as a heart attack. I needed a strangers opinion and that wasn't a stupid question"

"Why would you do that?"

"... its hard to explain plus stranger danger and all that."

"I'm not asking for your address just merely asking why you'd put yourself through that"

"...you know the rule book states that we should know each others names before we get to the deep stuff."

"Firstly there is no rule book that states that and secondly why are you calling now that you're not on a 30 foot building."

"I was hoping to catch you and say thank you... do you always work the 12 pm shift?"

"Um... I don't know how to say this without sounding rude, I don't think that concerns you in anyway."

"Hmm... savage, but I understand. Stranger danger and all that but we could at least know each others name. I'm Troy Bolton."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"What? I'm serious, my sister likes that movie and decided to call me that."

"What the hell ...how old are you exactly? Ten?"

"Ah ah ah. Stranger danger"

"Okay so this call has officially been turned to the weirdest call of my life. I'm going to hang up."

"Ugh you're no fun fine I'll tell you my real name if you're so desperate to know."

"The hell?!"

"Do they allow you to curse at your clients? I don't think its totally professional."

"You're starting to get annoying chicken guy and my boss is starting to stare wondering why I'm taking such a long phone call."

"I'm Justin Case."

"What the--"

"I'm kidding sheesh! I'm John Smith."

"Okay I'm done... have a nice day and m--"

"Okay okay fine just call me Colton."

"Okay Colton but I'm so done with this conversation my boss is staring daggers at me now"

"Won't you tell me your name before you hang up?"

"Ugh, just Asa is fine."

"Hmm unique name. Okay just Asa, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"What is wrong with you?"


"Look whatever, I don't care. Goodbye chicken guy."

"Until next time Just Asa."

"Its ju-- you know what? Forget it, bye."

*dial tone*

*dial tone*

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Written: 13 March 2018Published: 31 July 2018

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Written: 13 March 2018
Published: 31 July 2018

---491 Words---


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