20 Things To Do During Election Season

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1. Give the candidates a theme song mimicking what they're preaching.

2. Take the photos of their advertisements and edit George Washington into them somewhere.

3. Dress up as a candidate and pretend to be them everywhere you go.

4. Make a shrine of your favorite candidate in the race.

5. Edit any debate to "sing" to a song, playing the music in the background.

6. Pretend to "sacrifice" an opposing candidate's posters to your candidate of choice.

7. For a school project, dedicate it to your favorite candidate.

8. Create a list of pros and cons of each candidate and compare them.

9. Count the number of American flags each candidate uses. Volunteer them into an "American Contest." The candidate with the most flags on them wins.

10. Draw a person who is a combination of every candidate.

11. Write a comic of how the current president would react to the current candidates.

12. Make a "Candidate Race" game, similar to a Pig Race game, and update it daily to show who is in the lead.

13. On a calendar, draw the daily tie of your favorite candidate.

14. Make a shirt with the print of a candidate's catchphrase.

15. Keep a daily track of how many politics commercials you see every day.

16. Count how long each commercial is and add it together. Announce how many minutes of television time politics has taken up in a day, week, or month.

17. Dress as a candidate for Halloween.

18. Play "house" with a White House replica and dress dolls up as candidates.

19. Count how many lies you hear during a debate.

20. When something goes wrong, blame the candidates you hate.

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