Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

As I teleported back from getting another citizen to safety, I began to randomly teleport around the street, checking every building as I made sure that everyone was out. " Aria, Natasha needs your help next to the machine." Steve told me as he took out an alien that had snuck up behind me and I glanced toward the building. " Tell her I'm on my way." I said, but as I tried to teleport again, I collapsed against an abandoned car. " Your exhausted, Aria." Chloe told me. " Leave the city to the real heroes, and get yourself out of here."

I ignored her as I stood up straight, and took off for the roof Stark tower. Aliens rushed passed me, and I barely had time to avoid one of the whale aliens as I turned the corner to avoid a blast from one of their ships. When I reached the roof, my head was spinning but I managed to stay up as I ran up the stairs, where I found Natasha trying to shove Loki's scepter into the machine. " Why isn't it working?" Erik Selvig questioned. I glanced toward the machine, before looking to the portal. " I'm the only one..." I whispered in shock, before I ran over to the machine.

" Aria-" Natasha started to say, but was cut off as I grabbed a hold of the glowing tesseract. I let out a scream as energy ripped through my body, before I was thrown back. My head connected with the ground, and the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness, was the portal as it faded from exsistence.

Several Days Later...

" I am so glad to be leaving tomorrow." I said as I poped a blueberry from Tony's stash in my mouth. I was currently sitting on a stool in Bruce's empty lab, watching as the Tesseract randomly lit up, while Chloe sat on the counter next to me, only half listening as she admired herself in the mirror. What ever the tesseract had done to me, seemed to have effected Chloe; her appearence had changed. Her hair was now a light blonde color, her skin was paler, everything about her had changed. People could actually see her too, when she wanted them to.

After spending two days being worried over by everyone after what I had done in New York, I was finally going to get to go home.

" You still have to talk to Loki." Chloe pointed out, and I rolled my eyes.

Then there was that, Loki had been demanding to talk to me, not that Fury was going to give him the chance of escape again.

" I don't have to do anything." I said just before Thor entered the lab." Aria, you have to talk to Loki."

Chloe snickered at me and I gave her a look before turning back to Thor. " And why should I? The guy kidnapped me, locked me in a room for three days, and then used me to power his portal machine, plus I have no desire to see that lunatic."

" It might benefit you to hear him out." Thor offered." Perhaps he could offer you some answers about your abilities."

I was silent as I thought it over, before Chloe poked me in the side with her foot. " Thor's right Aria, you know next to nothing about them, and this might be your only chance to find out what he knows." She told me once he was gone, and I let out a sigh before tossing the package to her as I got up. " Alright, I'll hear him out, but the moment he tries to threaten me, I'm done."

When we reached the door of where Loki was now being held, Thor was waiting for us. " We will be watching and listening from the bridge." Thor told me when I hesitated, and I nodded before putting in the code, and stepping through to face Loki.

Just in case it ever glitches out, I'm putting a second picture of Chloe here at the bottom.

Just in case it ever glitches out, I'm putting a second picture of Chloe here at the bottom

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