28. Who Are You?

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 to err is human, to forgive, divine. ❞

alexander pope


2 days later

"Thank you for agreeing to meet us. We want to close this case as soon as possible." detective Carter informed me, clasping his hands together on the table. "Can you tell us..."

"No." I cut him off, taking them both by surprise. Nichole's head raised swiftly to analyze me, placing her pen on the desk. "You owe me answers first." 

He sighed, clearly not content with my defiance. But upon seeing my adamant expression, he gave in with a slightly irritated tone:

"What do you want to know?"

"Are you sure that Ellie..." I swallowed the gulp in the back of my throat. I ought to learn to have better control of my emotions. "That Gabrielle killed herself?" 

"Yes, we are. There is no evidence that points otherwise."

It was still hard for me to comprehend and put in order all the crazy events that had happened. The shock of my best friend abducting me and attempting to kill me by suffocation was overshadowed by an even greater one: her death. I didn't know about which one to be more devastated. I hated the feeling of vulnerability that immersed me, I hated that my parents acted as if I was made out of glass and I could shatter any second under pressure. Within the span of two weeks, I had lost the only girl friends I ever had. I had lost my only childhood best friend.

"And what is the evidence that points to suicide?" 

Carter nodded to Nichole, as if giving her permission to do something. She got out and came back a moment later, holding a paper in a transparent evidence bag. 

"What is that?" 

She slid it to me, clearing her throat uncomfortably:

"Gabrielle's suicide note. Her mother found it on her nightstand." 

Glacial shivers made my nerves go numb. I took it in my hands with shaky movements, suddenly starting to feel really cold.

"You don't have to read it if you don't want to. But it is the most solid evidence." she added gently.

I didn't want to read it, I really didn't. I knew how much it would break me, but I couldn't not read it. I needed to understand what my best friend was going through in that time. I needed to feel closer to her, just for one last time. I was terrified of the things I could read. But I was more terrified of not knowing.

"Before you read it, you must know that you are one of the few people who will do so. We don't want to share any information with the press yet, not until the funeral. Her family deserves to grieve in peace, for the revelation of such a confession would raise a public furore of monumental proportions."  Carter declared.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." I frowned, still shaken up after finding of the existence of the suicide note.

"You will." detective Nichole chimed in with a saddened look.

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