The Party

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Once upon a time there were two boys who were the best friends ever; their names were Hamilton and Sammy, But the town they lived in was very judgy and labeled everyone, so most people knew them as Happy Hamilton and Sad Sammy. These two boys, being the best friends ever, did everything together, and were always there for each other.

So one day, In the middle of the dairy section of their local grocery store, while trying to decide just how many gallons of ice cream they could purchase at one time, Hamilton had a brilliant idea.

Hamilton: "Sammy! I just had a brilliant idea!"

Sammy: "What?"

Hamilton: "We should have an ice cream party!"

Sammy: "Yes ice cream, no party."

Hamilton: "Noooo. It will make everyone happy!"

Sammy: "Unless they hate it."

Hamilton: " It will be great! every body will eat ice cream..."

Sammy: " And we won't have any left."

Hamilton: "...And we'll talk and catch up..."

Sammy: "It will be awkward."

Hamilton: "...And we'll all have a great time!"

Sammy: "This will be a disaster."

Despite Sammy's misgivings they began to plan a party. They invited all their friends:

Sheri; but she was so shocked that ice cream parties were a thing that she immediately left to go update her blog. (I was shocked and you will be too!!)

Evelyn; but she was stuck in the hospital.

Steve and Petunia; but they had... other things to do....

Sir Seaweed; but he had this weird aversion to daytime.

Larry; but he had cooler things to do, and was worried Steve would be there.

Perry; but he was busy saving the day.

And even Derryl; but he was doing a three month no sugar hair treatment.

The only people who did show up were Eric and Carl who stole all the ice cream, one of Sammy's legs, and their neighbor's social security number. Even though they had not been invited.

The moral: Ice cream tastes better if it's eaten with netflix and close friendship, don't worry about the parties.

Unless you're the neighbor, in which case: If your neighbors have weird acquaintances lock your doors.

Unless you're the neighbor, in which case: If your neighbors have weird acquaintances lock your doors

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The end

(for now)

The adventures of Sad Sammy, and friends.Where stories live. Discover now