Part 9

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Characters: reader, Kurt (Steve), Grant (OC), Ted (OC).

Summary: Almost three years have passed since that unforgettable night you spent with a mysterious man in a snowy cabin. When Steve unexpectedly walks back into your small town, a lot has changed for you both. How will your time apart and Steve's uncertain present affect the possibility of a future together? [Canon, events take place shortly after CACW]

Warnings: Fluff in spades, heated make-out session. ;)

Word Count: 3.4k

Song Inspiration: The Night We Met by Lord Huron

A/N: Domestic Daddy!Steve is life and I make no apologies for the amount of fluff you're about to experience. I about died writing it from all the swooning. :D Watch out for that last part, though! No one can resist for long. ;) Looking forward to your comments and feedback! Thank you so much, I adore you!! <3



"Sleep well, Steve. I'll see you in the morning." Walking down the hallway, you had to fight yourself from being drawn back into his embrace.

"Good night, Y/N," you heard him say as you ducked into your bedroom and leaned against the closed door, feeling the cool wood against your heated skin.

"Take it slow?" you groaned outwardly. Possibly your worst idea ever, you thought, as you changed clothes and crawled into bed alone.


The next morning, you awoke to your alarm, which you had luckily set just in case. Your usual two-year-old alarm clock hadn't appeared once again, but you were not so worried this time. Instead of silence, you heard the sweet laughter of your young son followed by a booming masculine voice through the walls. Your lips curved into a smile as you stretched in bed, then planting your stockinged feet on the floor and heading for your bedroom door.

Shuffling down the hallway, you followed the laughter to the living room where once again, Grant was in his booster seat with a bib on and a bowl of breakfast before him. The joyful squeals from your son continued as you watched Steve imitate the voice of one of the cartoon characters on tv. Grant giggled each time, clapping his hands to Steve's performance.

"Again, again!" the boy cried out, bright smile upon his face.

"Take a few more bites first, pal, look! You still have some blueberries in there," Steve pointed out, probably needing a break. He had apparently discovered that with two-year-olds, once they find something funny, you're never allowed to stop doing the thing. Ever.

Grant let out a whine, but picked up his spoon anyway. Steve leaned back against the couch and sighed, then spotting you in the hallway. A huge smile stretched across his handsome face as he rose to standing.

"Good morning, Y/N," he said in a gravelly morning voice, making your stomach flip.

"Morning," you replied with a matching grin. "Blueberries, huh?"

Steve looked back toward Grant with his breakfast. "Oh, yeah. I made oatmeal this morning. I wasn't sure if he'd like it, but I added a little brown sugar and blueberries. That's how I usually eat it. There's more on the stove I can heat up for you, if you'd like," he offered, heading toward the kitchen. You planted a kiss to Grant's messy face first and then followed Steve.

"Sounds amazing, thank you," you uttered, then tugging on his hand once you entered the kitchen. He turned your way and looped his arm around your waist as your lips met briefly. "Hi."

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