Case 5: Visions

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Daybreak Town... I missed this place. As long as I remembered. My name was Diana Venus, and I am a Keyblade Wielder of the Vulpes Union.
I sat by Fountain Square, waiting for someone. With only Chirithy as company, I never got bored.
"Hey, Chirithy... Why do you think Wielders of different Unions can't work together?" I asked.
"It's because it will cause Imbalance. Imbalance beckons the darkness." He said.
"But all of us have the same goal right? Isn't it easier and exciting to work together rather than compete." I said.
"I guess... But, why have these thoughts?" Chirithy wondered.
"I saw some wielders fighting in my dreams... I tried to stop them, but, they didn't listen to reason." I looked down at my hands.
"It was just a nightmare." I quickly said.
"Y-yeah... I think so too." Chirithy said. And we enjoyed the sunset.
"Maybe I should visit Enchanted Dominion next.." I told him.
"It's so majestic, and beautiful. Plus, it will be fun." I said as I smiled.
"Yeah, I guess... But don't get too worked up or you'll hurt yourself."
"I won't..."
Me and Chirithy head back to our dorm and I dreamt that incident again. This time, it was the Foretellers who were fighting.
"WHY DO YOU GET IN MY WAY!" Master Aced shouted as he sent Master Invi away.
He slashed his Keyblade to an cut sigil and made Master Invi close to him. Aced raised his and the Keyblade of the Anguis Master flew off of her reach.
"Don't be so conceited! I'm protecting the Balance! Just as the Master told me to. YOU NEED TO COME TO YOUR SENSES!!" Invi pleaded, her voice was shaking.
"If we don't do something, Light will expire! And we cannot avoid the grim future that awaits! We need to defy. The Master's Teachings, to protect the world!"
"He's not here anymore. I won't let his prophecy come true, I will not let the world fall into Darkness!!" He slashed in a cross again.
"YOU FOOL!!!" Invi withdrew to the wall and summoned her Keyblade as the water floods the portal. Aced is surprised by Invi's move, and as fast as a serpent, Invi clashed with Aced and sends him flying.
"Invi! Aced! What's going on here?!" Master Ava came with Master Gula.
"I've found out who the traitor is.... Regrettably..." Invi said with a heavy voice.
"N-no... That can't be." Ava looked at Gula as he summoned his Keyblade.
"Ava, there's no time to lose!" He said.
Ava looked at Aced, and with a heavy heart, she summoned her Keyblade.
Aced stood up and held his Keyblade in both hands.
"May my heart be my guiding key..." He whispered and lunged at the three Foretellers.
I sat upbolt as I looked at the scenery, it was nighttime already.
"Diana?" Chirithy appeared.
"Sorry... Another vision." I said.
"About what?" Chirithy asked.
I stroked his fur and smiled. "It's nothing, go on. Get some rest."
I closed my eyes and slept a now dreamless sleep.

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