Cold Hearted

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So I have an idea for a new book. This is just a first draft but guess what guys.


Feels weird saying that but here you go. A rough draft of chapter one so feel free to tell me how bad it is. I welcome all criticism because trust me, I actually want to try with it.

Of course I don't edit or anything so there are more than likely mistakes in there that I will EVENTUALLY fix up when I write it properly but here you go.

Vivi's POV

The town was quiet today, The markets not long ago opened shop and yet no one was in the streets. Looking into each stall showed no one inside either, Leaving their wares unattended.

Guard: "HEY YOU!"

I walked over to the stall and took the apple into my fingers, Bringing it up to my lips and opening wide. Taking a rather large bite as the guard walked over to me.

Guard: "Every member of the town is to report to the kings Square immediately. This had been planned for weeks why are you not there?"

Vivi: "I'm from Ponmis three towns over, I was not aware sir, I shall head that way now."

Knowing the guard had come from the castle gates, I walked past him and caught the shimmer, the reflection of light as my adept fingers dove into his pocket and pulled out the gold coin, Placing it into my own pocket as I kept my casual pace. A few steps later I watched the guard fall in step beside me.

Guard: "I can't have you wondering off."

Vivi: "If everyone is supposed to be there, then why aren't you?"

Guard: "I have been drafted to find pathetic stragglers like yourself peasant."

I noticed something else and couldn't help sliding my fingers into the edge of his pocket, Pulling out a ring made of silver... That could fetch a penny.

Guard: "From Ponmis huh? You a spy or something?"

Vivi: "No sir just traveling to New towns and seeing what's out there."

I thought fuck it and also took the man's coin purse, it was pretty heavy and loud, I'm surprised he didn't notice me taking it, I lifted it up in front of me and popped it open, emptying the copper and silver pieces into my other hand and then transferring them to my own purse. Placing the purse back into the man's pocket, now empty while we headed closer to the gate.

Guard: "If I ever catch you disregarding the kings orders again I'll kill you where you stand."

Vivi: "With what weapon? Seriously a guard without a sword is embarrassing."

Truth be told, I disarmed him and replaced it with a stick I picked up 30 meters ago, launching the sword towards bushes in an alley between two little cottages.

Guard: "What?"

I watched him for a few seconds as he stumbled and scrambled to find his weapon after seeing the useless equivalent. When I was finished watching the struggle, I headed inside the gates and joined the back of the crowd.

Vivi: "People are just asking for it now."

I started moving around the crowd, listening to the King talking about people having to pay more in order to keep the city running, I use the term city lightly but it is a pretty large town. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words, knowing it would never affect me anyway. After a few moments I found her, She wore a beautiful red dress with intricate patterns adorning the exquisite item around her. She had no pockets, so no items, But that necklace... I saw the sparkle, the blinding reflected light off of the pure diamonds around her neck, Why is she down here with one of those around her neck, She's asking for it to be stolen. So with hands as quick as lightning itself, I stood behind her for a moment, In a crowd full of people and unclipped the small hook at the back of the accessory, Lifting it forward and off of her neck before walking off again in another random direction. I was about to make my new target beg for his wallet he didn't know I stole before the King boomed out for everyone to return to their lives, that the event was over. Everyone turned to leave, and while I'm pretty sure it's not legal here to be found in the Kings courtyard without royal permission... I mean I just stole some bitch's Diamond necklace what are they going to do.

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