》ch. 22

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The first thing I saw was the giant whales swimming in the ocean above us. I shot up from my position on the ground and let out a cheer.

"We're finally here!!" I yell out excitedly. I hug Nami tightly, a chuckle escaping the navigator's lips.

When you looked at your surroundings, your eyes became even wider.

"The roots run all the way down here!" I say, pointing at the huge roots that planted themselves into the sea floor.

"Light? Even at this depth of the sea?" Robin murmured in amazement.

"It's so bright! My eyes are blinded..." Brook paused, "But I don't have eyes! Yo-ho-ho-ho~!"

I chuckle and look up and see an island above us.

"It's Fishman Island!" I yell, pointing at the floating island.

"There's no doubt about it, the log pose is pointing right at it," Nami says a smile on her face.

"We did it! We're finally here!" Luffy yelled out as Franky stroke his signature pose next to him.

"The island where the mermaids dance," Sanji started, "the mermaid princess! Finally, I'm here! In the paradise I've dreamed of since I was a kid!"

Puffs of his cigarettes shape into hearts before disintegrating in the air.

"Is he always like this?" Holum asks, making you nod with a smile on your face.

Brook and Sanji began dancing around yelling at the top of their--well Sanji's lungs, "Mermaids! Mermaids!"

Sanji's body flung backward with the blood that flew out of his nose. It seemed like the thought of mermaids got the man passing out.

"If he ever meets one he'll die, you know that right?" I mutter, looking at the two friends who mourned by the chef's side.

Sanji's body became ablaze as he shouted about his determination of meeting mermaids, making you and Holum both sweatdrop.

While one side of the ship was having a breakdown on what they should do with Sanji, Luffy was fantasizing about the meat they would eat in Fishman Island.

"Luffy, would you mind wiping that drool off from your face and asking Surume for a favor?" Nami asked, patting the captain on his shoulder.

When he was about to yell out for his Kraken friend to move, a shadow cast itself over the ship. I turned around and saw a herd of sea monsters. They looked at the Sunny with eyes that looked ready to feast. My stare remained blank, but I peeked behind the monster and saw a figure sitting on one of the creatures.

"Hey, someone's on the back of the creature," I say, pointing at the person sitting on the monster's back.

"Why are you letting those humans boss you around...and Meredith dwellers it seems? I thought you guys stayed on your own island, you dirty betrayers!" I clenched my fists and staredown the unknown figure.

"You don't know shit, you stupid uneducated Fishman!" I say, slamming my hands down onto the railing. Holum next to me flared a bit, gritting his teeth in annoyance.

Surume noticed the person, or now you could tell it was persons, sitting on the back of the sea monster and sweated with fear. He threw the Sunny out of his grip and began running away from the sight, leaving you guys to fend for yourselves.

The Sunny fell down onto the sandy, ocean floor landing with a bit of a crash.

"We landed in the middle of a heard of sea monsters!" Usopp yelled, frightened at the sight before him. The sea monsters looked down at you mixed emotions on their faces.

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