Chapter Seven

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(Anna's POV)

"Hey Hicc?" I say after minutes of silence. "Hmmm?" he says amd looks at me. "Don't you think they might be worried about us?" I ask looking at him. He then quickly stood up and offered his hand to help me up. I gladly excepted his offer and he then smiled at me which triggered another eruption of butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

I smiled back and felt my cheeks heat up. I quickly looked away but kept him in the corner of my eye. "So what about Swift?" I ask him. "Well, she can stay here or bring her with you to your cabin. It's fine either way, I'm just worried about how your sister would react" he says and I decide on the second one.

"I think it'd be better if she came with me. This is her first time" I say and go near Swift who was lying down. "Okay, I'll bring Toothless as well" he says and I nod.

"Swift? C'mon girl, wanna see where I'm gonna stay?" I say and she opens her eyes and approves. For some reason, it's like she's talking to me. "Okay, c'mon now" I say and she stands on and let's out a yawn.

We walk going to my cabin and as soon as I got there, I was greeted by a worried looking Elsa. "Anna!" she says and hugs me. "Hey, Elsa..." I say and hug her back. We pull away and she looks at Hiccup and smirks. "So what did you two do?" she asks us and my cheeks turn red. "Oh-Uh... Hi-hiccup just showed m-me around and then helped me to find m-my own dragon" I stuttered. "Y-yeah" Hiccup says.

"Dragon?" Elsa asks me. "Yeah..." I say and give way so that she could see Swift. "Elsa, this is my friend Swift. Swift, this is my sister Elsa..." I introduced them. As Swift got closer to Elsa, Elsa's eyes were filled with fear...

She looked at me. "Elsa, it's okay...She won't hurt you" I say and she calmed down as Swift tried to sniff her all around. Swift then rubbed her head against Elsa's hand. Elsa then put her hand on top of Swift's head.

"Wow..." she says and rubs Swift's head. "She's beautiful, Anna" Elsa says and I go near the both of them.

"So Elsa... are you fine with her staying with us? 'Cuz this is the first time she's gonna be in contact with me so... yeah" I say and look at her. She nods in approval and I then squeal and hug her.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank You!" I say and let go of my grip around her. "As long as you be careful, Anna. I just don't want you to get hurt" she said holding my hands. "I'll be fine, Elsa" I reassured her.

"Ok... Well, dinner is about to be served. Shall we?" she asks and I turned to Hiccup who nodded. "Let's go!" I say and we head to the hall. Swift and Toothless were sent to a feeding station so they can have their meal.

I was in between Elsa and Hiccup so things were quite awkward. In attempt to break the silence, I spoke up "So what did you do since we arrived today, Elsa?" I ask her. "Well... I didn't do much actually. And well...I'm thinking of ways to calm down because... you know..." she says and I understood quickly.

"Elsa, don't worry. Hicc knows.." I say then turn to Hiccup "Right Hicc?" he then nods. "Are you okay with having a sister-in-law that has beautiful but dangerous powers?" Elsa then asks Hiccup. "Yeah, I actually still don't believe in you having such powers" he says and I glare at him.

"It's true!" me and Elsa shout at him in sync. "Whoah there. Don't blame me. You don't seem to be convincing" he says and I smack his arm.

"Ow...What was that for?" he says rubbing his arm. "Elsa, do 'it'" I say and she does 'it'. When I say 'it'. It means that Elsa makes a snowflake or throws a snowball at someone we're trying to convince.

As Elsa's snowball hit Hiccup's face, his face was priceless. Me and Elsa laugh at his facial expression. "Is that convincing enough?" I ask him jokingly and he nods furiously.

After a few minutes of laughing, we finally reach the hall. When we went inside there was fabulous food everywhere. Roasted turkey, ham, a pig hehe... it's a cooked one though.

"Hey...umm...Wanna meet my friends?" Hiccup asks me. "Umm...sure!" I say and turn to Elsa. "Sure...go...You two have some fun now" she says smirking at me and my cheeks heat up. "I-uh-Let's go Hicc!" I say and grab his arm.

After going a few miles away from my sister, I finally let go of his arm. "I'm sorry about my sister. She's really like that" I say with a laugh. He smiles and another eruption of butterflies happens in the pit of my stomach.

"So umm... Let's go to your friends?" I say. "Oh, yeah" he says and he offers his arm for me to loop mine around it. "Umm...are you sure?" I ask him and he nods with that same smile on his face. *inner meltdown*

I loop my arm around his and my cheeks turn red once more. We walked like this going to his group of friends.

"Hey guys! I would like you all to meet Anna" he introduces me. I look at his friends who looked pretty tough. There was a black haired dude who was pretty muscular, a blonde haired chubby guy, a thin blonde haired boy and girl,I'm guessing twins, and a tough girl who had her hair blonde in a side braid. She looked awesome.

"Anna, this is Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and Astrid" he says pointing to each person while saying their name. So that girl's name is Astrid...Awesome...

"Umm...Hi" I say waving my hand and they all waved back except Astrid. The awesome girl-Astrid, then chuckled "This is your future wife? Huh... Guess she'll have to go through me" she says boastfully. I then stepback a little and try to hold in. "Aww, is the little princess scared?" she said which only made it worse. "Astrid,stop" I hear Hiccup say. "Hey, I'm not that princess" I manage to say without sounding angry.

"If you're not that princess, what about a race tomorrow?" she says with that same boastful tone. "Sure. Why not?" I say as cheerful as I could. "But with a twist... we go dragon racing" she says. Oh, you do not want to mess with me.

"Astrid, enough" Hiccup says. "Hiccup, she agreed. So tomorrow at 8:00 am. See ya there princess" she says and walks away.

"Anna, I'm sorry about Astrid. She's just... She always wants to be at the top" Hiccup explains. "No,no,no. It's okay. You don't have to apologize... I agreed so yeah...Let's just enjoy the night" I say and he nods.

The rest of the evening went well. I was able to keep myself from going to Elsa and telling her about it or else she would go to Astrid and and let her suffer Elsa's cold wrath. I told her that I had a race tomorrow though.

I just mainly focused on Hiccup. Just him. Nothing else. The way that he overwhelmes me with his smile. The way he laughs which makes my day. Oh, Hiccup. If only you knew what I feel.


Updaaaate! It was quite a rush though. And I would like to inform you that it will mostly be Anna's POV speaking from now on. I will just inform you when it'll have Hicc's POV.

Oh, and please don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE :)


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