45. An end to Selfishness

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At BigHit Entertainment.

"As you all know, the company has been cooking a lot of things to boost the group's reputation and of course, gain an even larger scope for business.

We have coordinated with thirteen countries as a part of your world tour, the biggest there is in the history of Bangtan Sonyeondan.

The tour will last for three months so expect very tight schedules and your health should be at its optimum condition. We cannot afford any cancellations. The final schedule and other concerns will be discussed with you by Manager Kang." Bang PD announced.

"Wooow. We're really out there this time." JHope said in awe as we walked out of the meeting room.

"I've never been to the US. JK said even the air there is different." Jimin mentioned excitement filled his voice.

"I hope we could have a little more time to visit the museums. I heard they have very rare pieces of art". V joined in.

"Naah. You're the only one interested in those things." Jungkook muttered.

RM came running from behind. His boots making loud thumps on the floor, a sheet of paper in his hand.

"Is that the final schedule? Who else is gonna be with us?" Hobi asked.

"Seventeen and Twice are coming along with us."

All the members howled and I exactly know why.

"It's been a while since I saw Sana Noona.
Have you seen her lately hyung?" Jimin teased.

"Say one more word and I'll cut your tongue off." I snapped. The others burst out laughing at my savageness.

"Three months on tour. That's roughly 90 days of seeing each other everyday. I wonder if I'd ever get a chance to sleep in our room. Because the last time.." I caught Jin's eye and he flashed an evil smile at me.

"What? What happened?" V was curious.

"I think I already know," Hobi said crossing his arms on his chest.

"Should I spill?" Jin was drawing too much attention it's starting to annoy me.

"Well... there was a lot of moaning and I haven't even opened the door. And I'm sure as hell that's not coming from porn." Jin was all out on his windshield sound laughter.

"Japanese babes are the best in moaning. Oppa!" Hobi ridiculously moaned which led the gang bursting into another round of laughter.

Their teasing usually doesn't affect me. I even join in most of the time. The girls and our 'bedtime stories' have always been an open book to the group. But it's actually making me uncomfortable this time around. I don't think it's even right for me to be talking about another girl or even just listen to the guys diss some chick and recall the things that have happened in the past.

Sana. The mention of her name brought about the crazy past we had together.

Twice has always been teamed up with our group whenever we go on tour. And because we hang around a lot, it's inevitable for us to not hit on each other. Hey, it's not just me. These kids have slept with other Twice members as well but Sana and I.. let's just say had multiple one-night stands.

Just to set things straight, I have always kept my feelings in check. And Rozie was the only one who has set my guard down. Sana however, has tried but failed every time. She is the perfect definition of naughty and innocent. When you look at her, she could pass for some high school girl who might not have even experienced her very first kiss. But when you have her alone, she transforms into some role play school girl who will totally knock you out in bed. Believe me. This girl knows how to grind.

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