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'I love you.' I'd whispered into his ear as he held me close surrounded by dozens of drunk teens.

I looked up into his eyes searching for an answer in them, but all I saw was shock. I suddenly felt panicked. I didn't want to scare him away after all we'd been through, but I just had to get it off my chest.

The past four years for us have been crazy. Too many fights and feelings. But he still managed to keep me wrapped around his finger without even knowing it. He still managed to tame me, the schools biggest fuck girl, Sylvia Amor. Or as everyone calls me, Silver.

'You don't have to say it back, I just, I don't know, I guess I have no filter when I'm drunk.' I wasn't drunk. I knew that and so did he. I'd only had three shots of vodka and we both knew that was far from me being drunk.

With no warning his lips crashed onto mine, forcing me to taste the couple beers he'd drank. He knew I hated beer and I knew he hated vodka, but we still couldn't get enough of each other in that moment.

He pulled away for a moment and said, 'I love you too.' He steals a kiss from my lips and looks back up at my hesitant eyes. 'For real this time. No more games. No more secrets. No more lies.'

I look at him shocked that he'd ever propose something like this.

'Be my girlfriend. Be mine Silver.' He almost whispered, but his voice was louder than the music in the room, because this was the moment I'd waited for since the day I met him and this was the feeling I'd been wanting to feel my whole life.

True love.

I reach for his face and gently joint our lips together in soft kiss. I smile into the kiss answering his question and he tightens his grip on my waist moving me even closer deepening the kiss understanding my wordless response.

'Let's get the fuck out of here, boyfriend.' I look up at him in adoration.

'Let's do that, girlfriend.' He grabs my hand and leads me out the huge living room.

This was my life now. Hand holding with Jordan King in front of the whole population of out school, well the relevant part of the population at least.

It took us four long tortuous years of hiding and sneaking around and rumours, but it was finally official.

Dalton Highs fuck boy and fuck girl were players no more.

After what felt like hours of walking out of the house and people trying to talk to us, we finally made it.

I instantly saw my three best friends; Mikey, Joey and Saint. I could tell the boys saw the smile on my face and the hand holding because Michael started wolf whistling and Joey and Saint were cheering our names some sort of chant the boys at our school sang when they'd finally got a girlfriend.

I could never make out any of the words other than 'he fucked that girl now called her mine' which didn't sound too appealing, and everything else was just muffled sound because the boys were always too excited while singing it.

A crowd was forming outside and people began cheering and a bunch people started saying 'finally' or 'I knew it' or 'took you guys long enough'.

I went and hugged my friends and told them I'd tell them everything first thing Wednesday, the first day of our last year at high school.

I made my way towards Jordans BMW and found him admiring me from afar. 'Have I mentioned you look beautiful tonight.'

'About ten times this past hour but it wouldn't hurt if you said it one more time.' I say teasingly wrapping my arms around his neck.

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