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Harry was biting his nails. "Why isn't she up yet? I swear, Louis, I genially think she's sick!" He said, their daughter Abbie not made her way downstairs yet.

"She's probably having a lie in, that's what happens when you let her on the tablet till the early hours." Louis explained.

"That's not the point, Louis! No matter what time she goes to bed, she always wakes up at nine, every morning! Louis, I'm seriously worried." Harry said.

Louis sighed, rolling his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Abbie made her way downstairs. "Hello." She greeted, her voice a little croaky. "Hello, love, how are you?" Louis asked, kneeling down to her height as she was only five.

"I'm okay, have a sore throat though." Abbie replied, causing Harry to go wide eyed. "I knew it!" He said, picking Abbie up. "Harry, calm down!" Louis said.

"Calm down?! Calm down!? Our child is sick! I can't calm down! Have you got a fever? Do you feel sick? Is it causing you that much pain that you want to cry?" Harry asked, feeling Abbie's forehead.

"No, I'm fine, pa-" she cut herself off by letting out a sneeze. "Get in the car!" Harry said, holding Abbie close to his chest, Louis letting out a sigh and following Harry out of the door.

Turns out, Abbie was coming down with the cold, but it didn't stop Harry treating Abbie like the princess that she is until she was healed.

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