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It was just a few minutes now.

A few minutes since I got the news.

I slumped on the hospital chair with dry blood all around my face.

My mind felt numb.

I couldn't function.

Closing my eyes I remembered the minute we stepped foot in the hospital till the minute I got the news.


"Mister Stark you cannot be in here while we operate." The nurse pushed me back but I charged towards the emergency room.

"The hell I can't!" I glared at her.

"Mister Stark please!" She pleaded still pushing me with a strong force.

"The woman I love is in there!" I screamed at her and she stood there shocked for a moment before she recomposed herself.

"I'm sorry Mister Stark but you aren't allowed inside, we're doing the best we can." She explained.

Slumping on a nearby chair, I glared at the wall in front of me, praying and hoping that the one thing that kept me sane wasn't leaving me.

That I won't lose the one thing I give a damn about.

-End of Flashback-

I visibly gulped, and tried to ignore the sad look on her family's face.

Her mother was staring at me like it was me.

Like I'm the one to blame.

I chocked down a sob, and slumped even deeper into the chair, with my throat tightened.

The team knew better than to speak with me right now, so they stayed far away in the corner of the room.

My mind couldn't accept, couldn't comprehend that this was reality.

I bit my lip harshly, and took in a shaky breath.

I rubbed my face rapidly and repeatedly, trying to test whether if this was a dream.

A baby.

She was pregnant.

We were having a baby.

Her father was glaring at me, but I ignored him.

I just wanted to see her.

I just wanted to know that she was okay.

The nurse called me in, and I rushed inside the room to find her sitting there unconscious, but alive.

I sighed while staring at how her breast rose and fell with every breath.

She was breathing.

She was fine.

She wasn't leaving me.

"Mister Stark?"

Blissful Despair ~> Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now