Chapter Twenty-One: Hallelujah

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Edit: I actually wrote most of this back in October lol...I knew how I wanted this to end ever since I started this XD!

I recommend reading this last chapter while listening to this song for the best effects since it will...get emotional. (But y'all remember I did say this will end happily so don't think it's going to be a bad ending. It just will be a lot of tears.)

     "Elliot has gone home with his father. Didn't he tell you?" Mrs. Salazar informed, her tired grey eyes piercing into my soul.

"Elliot has gone home with his father." The words repeated through my head, as I just nodded, speechless.

Avi had picked my baby up. My baby who was now officially done with me in his life, my little baby dragon grown up to realize he didn't want the woman who took him away from his father anymore. He didn't want my love anymore. Not anymore.

     I simply stumbled out of the classroom, into the hall of other tiny children hugging their parents to the side, phrases of love being exchanged between lips.

     Out of the school, into the street, I trudged to the sidewalk, my four-inch heels echoing against the cracked concrete ground, with tufts of grass growing in between. Nearby was the stop for the trolley, the trolley that drove all around Miami, the trolley that would get me to my workplace. Well, my ex-workplace, since right now I was unemployed and would rather work at a club than that cursed place.

I nodded at the sight, sitting sorrowfully at the stop, right beside an elderly couple and their young grandchild and a father and his small toddler with sparkling blue eyes and long dark lashes.

    Periodically, the families all left, happiness brimming within the air, as the trolley appeared. They were all gone; just like Elliot and Avi would be when I'd go back to the hotel. It was practically empty, for it was only the driver and now me. Climbing aboard, I slid into one of the countless seats, sparkling from Floridian humidity and the scent of isolation. Besides the driver, I was the only one on the trolley for the whole ride, perhaps displaying I'd be the only one in my life very s**n. Perhaps conveying to me that I'd be alone in this world with no loved one and no friend to help me to survive. That there would be nothing but emptiness now, in my life.

Pulling out my headphones out of my purse, hoping to break away from the seas of sadness rippling through my heart, I plugged it into my phone. Scrolling through the countless songs, my thumb wavered over Hallelujah- the last song I had arranged with Pentatonix before I left. Instantaneously, Scott's voice riffed in my ear, as I sighed, hoping that maybe, just maybe Elliot wouldn't be gone.

But, knowing Avi, knowing what I deserved, I was sure it wouldn't be that way...or end in happiness, at least.

I continued to listen, repeating the song endlessly, as Avi's tone stirred my soul, the waterfalls of words washing over me like the wondrous waves of the simple ocean.

Too late now, to be with Avi and Elliot, I thought to myself, the icy silence of solitude within me aching my heart.

Too late now to fix anything.

"Ma'am, we're at your stop," the driver hollered, as I brushed away my restless thoughts, quickly thanking him.

Stepping out onto the ground, I glanced up at the sky, glistening shards of light crackling through the smoky dark clouds, breaking through forcefully with great persistence- similar to Kaplan breaking through to have his son.

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