Meet halfway

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This is a good song btw^

Eddie😍: I wanna see you

Richie💦: I wanna see you too

Eddie😍: like really really bad

Richie💦: I feel ya smalls

Eddie😍: Bitch

Richie💦: hoe

Eddie😍: slut

Richie💦: whore

Eddie😍: fucker

Richie💦: shitty human?

Eddie😍: this doesn't change the fact I wanna be in Derry with you and Stan and mike and Ben and mike and Ben and Ben and mike and you

Richie💦: woah u really miss ben and mike

Eddie😍: they are my best friends

Richie💦: come to Derry then

Eddie😍: lemme ask my mom

Richie💦: if she says no, then steal the car and come anyway

Eddie😍: that's really funny Richie

Richie💦: go aSK

Eddie😍: OkaY

Eddie😍: she said we could meet halfway

Eddie😍: my mom doesn't want me to drive 3 hrs away

Richie💦: okay... what's 1.5 hrs away?

Eddie😍: idk.

Richie💦: do you want me to tell ben and mike and Stan and Bev and see if they can go?

Eddie😍: sure

Richie💦: k brb

Eddie😍: mmk, I'll look at things to do

Richie💦: great!

- Richie to mike, ben, stan, and Bev-

Richie💦: sluts! Get ready! Eddie wants to see us!

Bev👑: right now?

Richie💦: yes, he misses us, he's looking at things we can do

Stan🌈: I miss him

Mike😎: he's coming to Derry?

Ben🛸: why isn't bill in this?

Richie💦: I don't think Eddie likes bill

Bev👑: why not?

Richie💦: idk hon, idk.

Richie💦: anyway are you guys free for like 5-7 hours?

Ben🛸: I am

Mike😎: sorry, I can't, I'm grounded

Richie💦: 😱😱😱 no! You!? Mike Hanlon? Grounded??

Mike😎: yeah. One too many swears near kids I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️

Bev👑: yes! I get to see my baby again!

Stan🌈: I'm free

Richie💦: so just me stan bevvy and ben?

Mike😎: I guess so, sorry guys. Tell Eddie I'm sorry and I miss him!!!

-Richie to Eddie-

Richie💦: did you find something for us to do sugar?

Eddie😍: ew stop

Eddie😍: don't call me that lol

Richie💦: well, if you hate it, I guess you'll just have to get used to it

Eddie😍: so we could see a movie, go to a park, there is an ice cream place near the park btw, or there is a bowling ally place

Richie💦: ok, ben, Bev, and Stan can come btw. Mike is grounded, he says he's really sorry and that he misses you

Eddie😍: aww 😩 I miss him too.

Eddie😍: also YAY bc everyone else can come

Richie💦: so what do YOU wanna do?

Eddie😍: well I think it might be a little cold for a park and ice cream, and I wanna talk to you guys, and we can't do that at the movies, even though I wanna see love, Simon. Or a wrinkle in time, but I think we should go bowling

Richie💦: fantastic idea sugar

Eddie😍: 😒😒🤦🏼‍♀️

Richie💦: you love it

Eddie😍: agree to disagree??

Richie💦: hahaha k I'll tell them to get be ready in 30 minuets, can you send me the address?

Eddie😍: yup, here ya go

Eddie😍: 1773 rossi pike randomplace Maine 8754

Richie💦: thanks (っ◔◡◔)っ

Eddie😍: wtf how'd ya do that

Richie💦: magic

Eddie😍: yeah ok.

Richie💦: see ya in like 2 hrs

Eddie😍: I CANT WAIT!!!!!

Richie💦:me either, I love you.

Eddie😍: I love you too

A/n shitty chapter, Ik, but I didn't know what to write, I hope you liked it anyway.

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