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Scott pov

I got off the bus and everyone is side eying me i was too worry about everyone is going bit me i bump into a boy and he shouted "hey watch were you are going human!" ok thats its i am tired of being called "human" so i shouted "MY NAME IS SCOTT NOT HUMAN OK VAMPIRE !!!" soon after he said "ok Scott  i am Jack and you are going have a bad time here" with a smile a chill ran down my back "ok... time to go " as a girl with purple hair dragged me away "you should not do that here you will turn into a vampire that what happen to me my name is Lauren you must be Scott" "yeah thx you for saving me" i said with a smile i have found a friend.

thank you reading this go and read Maylexie they have really good books

bye cookies   

Scott first day of vampire high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now