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Confused, I got out of bed and tried opening the door but to my dismay, I found it locked.

At first I tried forcing it to open, it didn't work and soon, I was left to sit back down and wait until the crashes, shoutings and gun fires calmed down.

What was happening? A gang fight?

As I was left sitting on my bed, feeling scared, confused and useless, waiting seemed like forever. Seconds turned into minutes and soon, minutes turned into somewhat something that felt like hours.

Then, the noises stopped.

It was silent, too silent that it made me worry.

What was happening?

All of the sudden, the door knob started to wiggle. I quickly got out of bed and stood up firmly in my spot. I was afraid that my dad would come walking in with a face that had slight wounds and blood on his clothes.

When the door opened, what I saw on the other side was far from what I was expecting.

There stood a housekeeper with my door key, with Brandon and some police men in tow.


I didn't even get the chance to read back and look at my drafts because I was trying to hurry up and put these out, sorry if there's any grammar and spelling error :(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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