Dia and Ruby's solos

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I have descended deeper into idol hell. Dia took it to a whole other level. I expected it to be something traditional since she can play the koto but this... was AWESOME. It's sounds like and ED song from some old anime. And that intro... I've seriously have got no words to say... she took it out of the park. SLAY THEM DIA!

Ruby is cute. After the punk rock set I was kind of hoping for a badass song that would surpass GK's rock/heavy metal songs. Oh well that dream went down the drain. But the song is cute. I might need to hear it a few times to like it unlike Dia's.

Mari's better be rock/heavy metal. If it isn't I will be pissed. Kanan's solo, I think is going to be techno. I mean if you see AZALEA's songs and if you take Natsu no Owari no Amaoto ga I feel it may be this genre. Chika has a song that sounds like she's a Disney princess and also I think a cheerful song would suit her than techno unlike Kanan. Dia has this song that like I said before, sounds like an ED song of an old anime and Hanamaru has a country song. If Kanan's song isn't techno then I will be wondering the reason behind the genre of music AZALEA produces. We do know GK's (Mari, duh) and CYaRon's (It's Chika and You and to an extent Ruby) but I do wonder who influences AZALEA'S music and now that only leaves Kanan left. Dia is traditional, I doubt Hanamaru would know this genre even existed till someone showed her.

And so I conclude my case saying that Mari's would be rock or heavy metal (I know everyone knows that) and Kanan's would mostly be a techno one. And I'm sure that this prediction of Kanan's song may be wrong.

Here I am again over analyzing stuff again.

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