Chapter 8: Real-life Friends

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Jaerim's P.O.V.

Feeling embarrassed because of what the maid saw, I can't help it but to eat my breakfast quietly. And of course, I should be distant from Kai. I don't want their maids thinking that were ‘Friends with benefits’. Aigoo..

As I finished my breakfast, I quickly stood up from the chair.

“Ah.. Kai, I'm leaving now. I'll just go get my dress upstairs and get change then I'll leave. Thanks for the meal, anyway.” I said, avoiding Kai's eyes and bowed to all the people here.

He just nodded while looking away then continued eating. I quickly made my way upstairs and get changed into my dress last night then head downstairs, exiting their mansion. The old maid who saw Kai and I a while ago, lead me toward the gate, and helped me to grab a cab.

As we wait for a cab to pass by us, the old maid spoke to me. “Dear.. You must know your limit. You're just Kai's friend. He's already engaged.” She said, seriously.

“I know that already, ma'am.” I said politely.

“Then don't try to seduce the young master.”

WHAT? SEDUCE? If there's one person I'll seduce, it'll be Lay not that roasted bastard, Kai! Aigoo. I was not able to speak what I'm thinking, and just nodded my head to her. After that, a cab stopped in front of us, which made me got inside quickly then the cab lurched forward.

Min-ah's P.O.V.

I was on my way home after a long jog, when I saw Jaerim getting inside a cab in front of the Kim's residence. What is she doing here? Could it be that the rumour I'm spreading is really true? They really do have an AFFAIR?!

To tell you, Kai and I were neighbors ever since were kids so I know a lot of things about him and he knows a lot of things about me, but I guess he chose to forget everything about me now. I was the first one to love him but I ended up, getting dump by him. I love him unconditionally but he ignored that fact and chose Sophie— my bestfriend whom she just met because of their arranged marriage. It damn hurts.. Like being stabbed again and again by a sharp knife on my chest!

That's when I decided to change my image. From a cute little girl into a seductive slut. I know, it's hurt to be called by slut but that word is my strength.. It made me confident! I learn how to fight because of that word! So no matter what happens, I'll take Kai away from them.. Kai will be mine.

*The next morning in school*

Walking along the hallways while eating my ice cream since recess just started, I saw Jaerim from a distant, getting some books from her locker so without second thoughts, I approached her.

As I approached her, she slammed her locker door and surprised to see me beside her. “Hi, Jaerim.” I greeted.

“Hey, Min-ah.” She said, looking at me.

“So how are you?” I asked, trying to sound interested in her life but DUH! That'll never happen!

“I'm okay.” She said, carrying her books then started walking.

“Don't avoid me, Jaerim. I'm pretty sure you're just okay! Who wouldn't feel okay of you're having an affair with Kai? Now tell me Jaerim, you're really not having an affair with him? Well, what are you doing with his place yesterday? Explain that to me.” I said, catching up to her.

She stopped on her mark and faced me. “And why should I explain that to you? I already told before, ain't I? ‘Whatever you see between Kai and I is none of your business’ and to tell you again, I'm not having an affair with him. So please, Min-ah! Stopped this obsession of yours to Kai and don't bother me.” She countered. Aish! What did she say ‘obsession’? Who does she thinks she is to tell me this words to me!! ARGH!

Losing my temper, I just poured the ice cream I'm eating on her head and threw the cup and the spoon on her face then left her there in the middle of the hallway. She messed with the wrong girl!!

Jaerim's P.O.V.

My eyes widened in shock as I felt a sticky liquid on top of my head, rolling down my face, then my eyes instinctively closed as she threw me the cup and her spoon. She left already, leaving me here in the middle of the hallway— feeling embarrassed by everyone's stares and laughter.

I quickly run away from everyone and went to the back of the school where no one's here. Just me alone. Everything's repeating again just like how it did in middle school. I was being bullied again but not by the person. I was humiliated in front of many people but not by the same person. Why is this keep happening to me?

“What did I do to deserve this?” I asked loud enough to myself with my tears rolling down my cheek as I face palm.

Not knowing there is a person here. I just didn't notice. I felt his warm hands on the back of my torso and sat next to me. “There's tons of insecure people like her in this earth so don't wonder or ask yourself anymore.. ‘why people do this to you?’ or ‘what did you do to deserve this?’... The answer is simple because they're insecure.” He said, in calm tone.

I lifted up my head and saw Kai beside me. “Kai?”

He smiled at me as he pulled me up, holding my wrist. “Yup, it's me. I didn't know you were this miserable after each day of bullying you in middle school. I apologize.” He bowed then looked into my eyes again.

Kai? Is this even the same Kai back then? What's happening to him? Why is he acting so nice? I didn't respond to him and just looked at him.

“Geez, look at you. You look like a total mess. I guess you really made Min-ah angry that why she did it to you, huh?” He asked. “Come on, I'll clean you up.” He continued, dragging me toward the faucet and the sink near us.

As we're walking, I pulled my hand back which made him turn to face me. “Why are acting this way? Why are so suddenly so nice? Do you pity me, huh?”

“No.” He said, slowly extending his hand then held my wrist again. “Because I'm your friend.”

“What? Friends? You're not my friend and I'm not your friend, either. We're not friends at all.. We seem like friends because of the deal—“

“Then I'm canceling the deal since we can't help each other. You already made a first impression to Lay hyung and that's cool. All you need to do is just keep it up. While I take care of mine.” He said calmly, as if he's not the same person anymore. He seems different today. I wonder what happened to him?

“Yeah. The deal seems to be pretty useless.” I whispered.

“I know. Sorry for the trouble.”

“It's okay.” I smiled a little.

“So, we're friends now? Real-life friends?” He asked, shooting me off with his charismatic smile then extended his hand in front of me.

“Friends. Real-life friends.” I responded, shaking his hand then smiled at him brightly.

“Now, let's go! Let's clean you up!” He yelled palyfully, pulling my hand toward the sink and helped me clean up my messy and sticky hair, full of ice cream.


Chapter 8 guys! Sorry for the weird chapter last week. I've been thinking a lot of random things so that's the outcome. Haha! Continue supporting my fic, guys! Loads of love! ♥♥
Anyway, I just wanted to share that my first day in college is cool. I made new friends quickly and they're so feminine. I can't keep up with them but they're nice. :) Haha! Just sharing, I never thought of making new friends at first day of school. I thought I'll end up being loner in my whole college years~. XD Hahaha! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chap. Vote and Comment!


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