Chapter 53- you'll have to fight with me on this one

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Chapter 53- you'll have to fight with me for this one

"Wake up sleeping beauty," I say and open the curtains to Kate's room and she groans, pulling her blanket over her head.

"Go away Venus," she groans and twists the other way.

"We have college," I try to sound as enthusiastic as I possibly can. "Also, it's my first day so I'm hyped."

She slowly sits up on her bed with her eyes closed and mutters something incoherent to my ears.

"If you're cursing me then I don't care. But, c'mon get up," I demand and pull her out of her bed.

"It's only 10 Vee," she whines and I take her to the bathroom.

"Yeah and our classes start at 11," I respond and her eyes flutter open.

"What?" She screeches and quickly pulls out her toothbrush. "God damnit. I needed to get ready."

"Yup so get ready," I say and leave her bathroom.

After half an hour of rushing around and showering she is finally ready. "Ta-da!"

"You look good Kate," I compliment her and she smiles.

"Yeah? Thanks so do you with this new jean jacket style," she replies back and looks at me. "We should really go tanning sometime again."

I chuckle. She is still stuck on my pale skin, it doesn't look that bad. Maybe it starts to look like someone drained all the blood out of me but not yet.

"Let's go," she demands and pulls me downstairs with her.

    "Good Morning girls," Liam greets us wearing his business suit as he's doing something in the kitchen. "Venus, thanks a lot for the breakfast."

I just smile in return and Kate sprints towards the kitchen and grabs the omelet I made for them. Liam tries to take one of the omelet but Kate swats his hand away. "You'll have to fight me for this one," she says and I chuckle as I stand next to the counter.

"What? Why?" He asks and she smiles and takes a bite of the omelet and moans.

"Because it's made by Venus, duh," she smiles, looking at me. "I haven't ate a single thing made by her in three years. I'm craving some ravioli."

"I'll make it tonight," I suggest and she nods in return.

She jumps in delight and Liam just laughs at her. "I have to go to office now, I'm late," he says, kissing Kate's forehead and she smiles warmly.

"Bye Venus," he gives me a side hug and I smile. "Bye."

When he lets go of me, for a moment darkness covered my eyes and I loose balance. Just as I'm about to fall, he quickly gets ahold of me. I shudder in his arms and Kate quickly runs towards me.

"Venus?" Liam calls out and slowly pats my cheek, trying to wake me up.

Before my eyes close again, I notice him holding onto me tightly. He scoops me into his arms and lays me down on the couch softly.

"Vee?" Kate asks and I nod. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I open my eyes slightly and look around to find Liam right in front of me and I'm apparently laying on Kate's lap.

"I- I'm- I'm fine," I try to sit up but Kate doesn't let me. Instead, she pulls me down towards her lap and I sigh.

"No you're not. You literally fainted right in front of my eyes. We are going to the doctors Venus," she demands and I shake my head.

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