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No one's Pov:

Jesse stares at the treasure room silently. All the treasures, he and his friends collected during their glory days as heroes, stand proudly, collecting dust. He sighs both in sadness and loneliness. The years had passed and the order separated along with it. Olivia and Ellegaard are doing everything within their power to attract more engineers in Redstonia, Axel rules over Boomtown and still remains unbeatable, Lukas lives far away in a quiet place in a cabinet and became a publisher of their previous adventures and Petra....she is out there somewhere, living life that makes him long.

"Time travels too fast" He sighs sadly.

Their last adventure was working together to stop the admin, or Romeo for that matter. Romeo was a mare mortal that was mostly alone and was mentally unstable thus went into madness which resulted him killing his own friend and ruining other people's lives without remorse. He grimaces at the reminder of the broken friendship between the three admins, He hopes that his friendship with his friends doesn't end up like this.

He pulls out a locket from his pocket and sighs sadly. He opens it and there was a picture of two young children. One was a boy with messy brown hair and a white shirt with red overalls, giving a toothy smile with his eyes close, holding a wooden sword while on his other side, he was holding a shy girl with raven hair tied up in a braid while wearing a long green skirt. Jesse smiled sadly as a tear falls down the picture squeezed in the locket. He is suddenly, tapped on his shoulder and he looks behind him, after he hid the locket back on his pocket,0 confused. His face then turns into a goofy grin.

Right there stood two women. Both had raven black hair, but they were different. On of them was a few centimeters taller than the other and had dark brown eyes with tan skin. She her hair was messy and had a red bandanna tied up, she had a couple of bandages tied on her wrist. She wore a black tank top with it having a lemon with the actual word on the bottom of the picture and worn out jeans with a few rips on them. She wore combat boots while having another red bandanna on her neck with a cross necklace. The other girl had her hair more neater and had a golden pin within. She had green emerald eyes like Jesse and had pale skin. She wore a red and white shirt with blue overalls.



Both Jesse and the girl with emerald eyes ran to each other and catches each other in a tight hug.

"Jessica! Oh Jessica I missed you so much!"

Jessica laughed and hugged him tighter. The other woman chuckled at the scene in front of her, which reminded the both of them that they had an audience. The both of them pull away from their embrace and Jesse went towards the said woman.

"It's been a long time hasn't it DB?"

"Indeed it has Jesse. And don't bother trying to hide your.... current condition. I know."

Jesse sighed. Of course she would sense whats wrong with him. Jessica raised an eyebrow at him with an accused look.

"What does she mean by "current condition" brother?" Asked Jessica with a suspicious look.

"Uh....Its nothing.... I just miss my friends." He gestured towards the treasures. "My friends that helped me become what I am today.

Jessica gave a look of sympathetic while DB smirked. "Not to worry oh humble Wither con-"

"Don't call me that."

DB rolled her eyes. "Fine ruin my fun. Anyway, I brought Jessica with me for a reason."

"And that reason is what?"

"Truth or dare."

"Oh no."

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