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Chapter Ten...

"When I was born; my mother passed away; and I was four when my dad was killed, Amber was all I had, she was like a second mother to me; there for me through all the hard times...she was only twenty-one...she had her whole life in front of her..." I began to cry but continued..."the one thing my sister always told me was that death was birth but just in a different dimension, and that if death didn't happen; there wouldn't be birth; as god takes someone away from the world; he adds another; so I hope to one day meet the girl or boy that replaced my sister on earth." I took a deep breath and continued..."my sister always told me, what doesn't kill you; makes you stronger, I think she was just quoting Kelly Clarkson, her favorite music artist..." I said giggling but still crying.

"She's the best...!" yelled out one of Amber's friends; Morgan, she was clearly drunk.

As everyone was leaving; they kindly shared their condolences about my sister; to Jermy and I. Some I recognized; others were just a blur to me; but I still thanked them for coming.

"Maybe you should take a cab Morgan, here; I'll even call and pay for one" said Jeremy.

"I'm not that drunk; I took the city bus here" Morgan replied.

"Okay good, here is three dollars" said Jeremy; handing her the money.

"Thanks man, you would have made a great husband for Amber, a great father too" replied Morgan as she made her way to the bus stop outside.

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