Daffodil: Part 8

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I was finally bringing my last box up, and mentally sighing in relief that all the hard labor was done. I hadn't been able to get multiple movers to help me, so I only had about two doing the work. They drove the moving truck up to New York and I drove my car. I figured with just the two of them alone, moving all of my stuff would take a while so I helped and now I was physically and mentally exhausted. 

"That's the last of it Miss." The taller moving guy told me. 

"Thank you both so much!" I said. I tipped them both fifty dollars each on their way out. My sister had offered to pay them so a tip was the least I could do. 

Once they left and I closed the door and flopped down on the couch in the living room. The penthouse came fully furnished and I wasn't complaining. The couch was more than comfortable. I closed my eyes and let my worries flow out of me. I was just hitting maximum comfort when a knock sounded on my door. I rolled my eyes and stood up, hating how people always had crappy timing. I flung open the door and my anger at being interrupted faded. Cassidy was standing there looking just as beautiful as always with a wide smile on her face. She was holding something large and square with a cloth over it. I briefly looked at it before my attention was drawn away to her beautiful face. 

She threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tight and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed at happiness by her touch. 

"You're finally here!" She squealed. 

"Yeah, it took a long time to get everything set but here I am." I stepped aside so she could walk into the pent house. It was a really pretty one. It had a modern but comfortable look to it and was mainly black and white. 

"Your boss really hooked you up girl." Cassidy laughed. 

"You're telling me. I'm living in luxury right now." I looked around at the apartment and the boxes scattered everywhere. "Well I will be once I get everything unpacked." This mess was going to take forever. 

"I'll help you." She said as if sensing my struggle. 

"Cass, I can't ask you to do that."

She snorted. "You didn't ask. I'm offering." She bent down and picked up the nearest box. "Just tell me where things need to go."

I shook my head. "What would I do without you?"

"Spend the rest of the week unpacking alone." She responded. 

I nodded my head. "You're right." I looked at the box in her hand, thankful that I had labeled them all before hand. "That's stuff for work. Take it upstairs, first door on the left."

Cassidy saluted me. "Aye-aye captain." She said before making her way to the staircase.

I looked around wondering where I should start before picking up the nearest box of clothing. The master bedroom was upstairs as well, so I walked up the steps, planning out where I want everything to go in my mind. The master bedroom was huge with a walk in closet. It was the first time I ever had a room like that- besides my room at my sister's place. I could soon get used to it. I was looking around at the vaulted ceilings and staring out the large window when a voice sounded behind me. 

"It's a beautiful view." I jumped and spun around. Of course I knew it was Cassidy, but she still caught me off guard. The box I was holding crashed to the floor and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. "Crap, I didn't mean to startle you!" Cassidy started forward with her hand outstretched as if to put it on my arm but at the last second she hesitated and stepped back before awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. I saw this box labeled clothing and figured I should bring it here. 

I finally regained composure and picked up the box I dropped. "Yeah, you could just throw it in the closet. I'll sort through all of that later. She nodded and put the box in the closet, then headed out the room and back towards the stairs. I followed behind her, wondering why I froze like that when she came near. I always told myself she was just a friend. I really didn't need to be catching feelings like I was having some kind of middle school crush. I patted my cheeks a bit to get myself composed and followed her down the stairs. It only took a couple hours to put all the boxes in the right place, but what took the longest was unpacking the boxes. I told Cassidy she had helped me enough and didn't need to help unpack my things as well but she stubbornly refused to let me do it alone, and I was honestly thankful for that and for her. 

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