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My name is Daniel. I am a college student at the  academy in my town of Sutaraitu only its not a normal academy, it's an academy for teens with mental illnesses. Like me.

 -3rd person POV-
Daniel was in his dorm room working on an axiety test. He wad listening to music like usual to calm him as he worked. Daniel had to be in a dorm on his own because of his anxiety around people accept he had a friend that would always be with him no matter what. That friend was Kyo. Kyo was 6"4 and had short black hair with a rainbow striped through it,Kyo had an illness that no one knew anything about.Kyo was constantly being secretive and mysterious so not much was known about the tall, lanky male.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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