Chapter 69 - Steve

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"Ready?" Dally asked.

"Yeah, go." I said. I felt slightly bad for him, but I wasn't gonna let it show.

Dallas winced, as he placed his arms above his head, so he could do the cartwheel.

He started, but fell out of it, screaming and clutching his waist, where he'd gotten shot.

"Hey, guys. Oh, Dal. You wanna switch to Truth?" Two-Bit ran to Darry, and shoved a bundle of shirts at him.

"Good." Darry took the shirts.

"Fine. I'll choose Truth, but only because this hurts like hell." Dal growled.

Darry pulled him up. "Don't do that." he muttered into Dal's ear.

Dal shrugged him off, and stalked inside. Everyone followed him in, and sat in the lopsided circle.

"What would you do, if Johnny died?" Two asked.

"Why me?" Johnny protested.

"I can't live without him." Dal said.

"That isn't-" Two started to say.

"Tess, Truth or Dare?" Dally asked. I groaned, and heard Two, Soda, and Pony groaning as well.

"She is ruthless either way, Dal." Two whined, "Whoever she chooses will be super mad at you."

"Dare." Tess smirked.

"I dare you to make out with Johnny for three minutes." Dal smirked.

"Just three minutes?" Tess asked, "Honestly, that's tame."

"Humph." Dal grunted, "Come on, start."

Johnny wrapped his arms around Tess. They stared into each other's eyes, before leaning in and kissing.

"Get a room!" Two shouted.

"Two, it's a dare. Don't interrupt them." Dallas said, before wolf whistling.

"Soda, what's it like, watching your kid sister make out with Johnny?" I hissed in Soda's ear.

"Weird." Soda muttered, "I don't like seeing my kid sister grow up."

They were like that for three minutes, before I decided to interrupt them, and said, "Guys, it's been more than three minutes. Guys? Hello!"

"What?" Tess said, pulling away.

"It's been, like, five minutes." Soda said.

"Oops." Tess blushed.

"Who's next?" Soda asked.

"Steve. Truth or Dare?" Tess smirked at me, knowing I didn't want to be picked by her.

"Dare." I cocked my eyebrow. I picked that up from Two. "What's it gonna be, kid?" I needed to remember to be gruff, so she didn't know I cared about her.

"I dare you to run down the street, and scream 'greaser' the whole way." Tess grinned.

"That all? Lame." I snorted.

"Completely naked." Tess finished, smirking at my horrified expression.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yep." Tess smiled innocently, and batted her eyelashes. "A Dare's a Dare."

"Fine." I started stripping.

"Buddy, don't let her wimp you out." Soda said, encouraging me. I finished stripping, then ran down the street.

"Greaser!" I chanted, "Greaser...greaser...greaser!" I ran up and down the street, getting weird looks from people walking about.

The Outsiders meet elves: A Keeper of the Lost Cities crossover a Sophitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now