Arguments & Questions

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Arguments & Questions

"Don't get angry at me Jace!" Clary shouted as Jace slammed his bedroom door shut. After last night everything had seemed so perfect then Clary had decided that herself and Jace should go shopping the next day. When Clary and Jace were at the counter in Forever 21 whilst Clary was paying for some new clothes the shop assistant started to talk to Clary. As soon as she had paid Jace dragged her out the store and told her he wanted to go home.

"I'm not getting angry at you! I'm angry at the stupid shop assistant!" Jace shouted back.

"Because he was talking to me?" Clary scoffed throwing the Forever 21 bag on Jace's bed. 

"Because he was flirting with you Clary! Are you blind or stupid or something?" Jace shouted back.

"You're calling me stupid! You don't have the right to say that and you know what I'm not blind! You know how I know that? Because when we thought we were brother and sister I had to sit and watch you flirt with every downworlder or Shadowhunter in the world!"

"That's an exaggeration!" Jace scoffed.

"No it isn't, Jace! Obviously you were blind!" Clary screamed throwing the closest thing to her at him. It landed with a smash on the floor by the door. 

"Oh great aim! Keep them coming!" He screamed back. Clary grabbed some of the clothes from his washing basket, which included hers and his combined. She started throwing them at him, her aim getting better as she threw more and more. Some of them hit him as he stood there but some missed him. 

"You know sometimes you're so full of yourself!" Clary shouted.

"Me? I'm full of myself!" 

"Yeah you are! Oh I'm the best Shadowhunter in the world. Hey, look that girls kind of cute. Yeah, I definitely love her, let's make out. Oh, wait she's my sister. I'll kiss her again anyway. Wait! Now she's not my sister! I don't want to love her anymore! Wait now I do! Now I'll go risk my life now. Make up your bloody mind!" 

"You're not perfect either you know! I don't want to be a Shadowhunter! Wait, now I do. That guy is cute. I'll kiss him. Now he's my brother, I'll still kiss him. Wait! That guy is cute. I'll kiss him now. Wait my original brother isn't my brother but the guy I just kissed is my real brother! I'll risk my life to save everyone!

"Don't have a go at me! I wasn't trying to save everyone by risking my life! I was trying to save you!" Clary screamed.

"I don't care you should've just stayed here! I could've sorted everything out by myself!"

"No you couldn't! Are you bloody well stupid? Because you sound like it!" 

"Well, I must be really stupid to want to ask you to marry me musn't I!" Jace screamed back throwing his hands up in the air.

"What did you just say?" Clary asked suddenly taken a back.

"You heard me! I want to marry you, Clary!" 

"Yeah but what if I don't want to marry you." Clary answered.


"Well, if this is how we're going to be if we're married I'm not entering into that." Clary said pointing between the two of them. Jace threw his hands up over his head.

"Fine don't marry me then! All I wanted to do was make you happy!" 

"Fine then I won't marry you!"

"Good!" Jace shouted storming over to the door. He stormed through it and slammed it shut behind him.

"Good!" Clary shouted through the door so Jace could hear her.

She heard his footstep get further and further away. Another door opened and got slammed shut. Then there was the sound of things smashing. Clary suddenly fell to the ground. Then the retching sobs came. She realized what she'd done and what he'd asked. He wanted to marry her and she basically said no. She lay her cheek against the cold floor and wished for everything that happened that day to redo itself.

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