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Guys it's been quite awhile since I last updated this story... Almost 2 years...

I should've put something up saying my progress, but nothing has progressed for those years as I've been working on like 20 other stories. I'm kind of a mess. I've also grown up. I'm about to turn 20 soon.

I feel so bad and everyone has probably gotten rid of this book...

We've had a good run, but this is goodbye...

 Season 1!

For those of you that have stuck around, I'm glad you're still here.

I just reread the whole thing today, and I'm back into continuing as I figured out what I want to do.

Since it has been two years, the book is gonna spring two years forward. Think of the previous chapters as Season 1.

From here on out, we're in Season 2 of We Meet Again.

I'm glad you've stuck around my Lavaians. I hope you're ready for Season 2! I'm honestly too excited!!


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