6 | ❝ english orals❞

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   I had my orals today.. They're supposed to be a big deal, you get marks and stuff.. What you're supposed to do is, choose any damn topic of ur choice, and speak on it for more than a minute.. You give such serious orals for the first time in 9th grade, so our teacher, Suchanda ma'am, amazing as she is, she was pretty lenient, we had until Thursday, after which ma'am wouldn't be able to take up any orals.

So, she announced this on Friday.....

I blinked...

Came Monday!

I had completely forgotten about my orals, and guess what? Only 3 other students had brought in their speeches, that's supportive. Monday passed, ma'am said nothing.. Tuesday came, AGAIN! I FORGOT! This time, ma'am yelled at us.. But anyway, I went home on Tuesday, and well, the day passed, I had studied, spent some time on wattpad, spoke to someone over the phone.. Yada yaad yada.. At about 10:30pm.. I REMEMBERED MY ORALS!

No way I was gonna go to school without a speech so.. I decided to prepare a speech! And, like I said, you can talk about ANY DAMN FRIGGIN TOPIC THAT YOU WANT.. Legit nothing came to my useless head...
But today, like I said.. I completed my orals;)

Ps. I was up till 12am last night.. And here's what I ended up writing as my speech.. ⤵

"Okay, I could not be more unprepared for these orals! Blame it on procrastination, yesterday night at about 10:30, my hands flew to my mouth as I remember that I have my orals the next day, initially, I tried calming myself, I mean how hard can writing a speech be? All I'd have to do, is pen down some points, take some stuff off of the Internet, and make a paragraph out of it!

That's it! All, I need, now........ Is a topic.

I thought for about half an hour, but nope, nothing.. Nada..
Fine, I could use the Internet for searching for a topic! Yes! That's exactly what I did.. And I found, about a 100 topics, out of which I had to choose ONE!
Mind you, I'm half libra, I can't even choose between 2 ICE CREAM FLAVOURS! There is no way I could choose ONE topic from among totally different 100 others!

Then I started wondering, how easier my job would've been, if I had been given a topic in the first place.. If my topic were politics, I could talk about the recent rivalry between Modi and The Congress, or I could talk about Arvind Kejriwal, and his list of sorry's..
Say my topic were world news, I could talk about the last white northern male rhino's death, I could talk about Trump and his meet with Kim Jong-un.
Say my topic were history, I could talk about, Akbar, Ashoka, the Mughals or I could rant on for 5mins about how the Britishers took away our India, and how we fought for our country ( ily Sienna) .
Forget these educational topics, I could talk about my fav author, my fav poet! I could talk about how my fav author wrote my fav book, I could talk about how my fav book was turned into my fav movie, I could talk for days about these! I could talk about my fav tv show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.  and how people think it's overrated, but it's not! I could talk about Feminism, racism, abortion of the girl child.... And sooooo on! So many topics, and a helpers half libra, that can't choose.. So, I decided to write a speech with the topic being 'not having a topic' ..


That was literally the speech I gave, and my class loved it... Like.. I was so happy, I cannot really express it.. I was so nervous, I mean... This includes marks, and the risk is pretty huge, like its 0 or full.. No in between..

And my teacher loved it too!!<3 she actually congratulated my separately when she saw my outside my class!! Me so happpyy!!!! I love you people so much, don't ask me why, I just feel lots of love coming out xD..

Much love,


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