#18 Sunday Afternoon "At the Helm"

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Lacey hadn't been able to explain everything. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to articulate the events of July 17th, even as Marie rubbed her thumb along Lacey's hand. She'd gotten out the words 'hospital bills' and motioned to her abdomen. That was it. She couldn't connect the rest, but Marie seemed to accept it.

She hadn't asked more questions and Lacey wondered if Marie sensed the way Lacey's jaw locked and eyes darted away. Instead she had asked if Lacey had any boxes. She was moving after all - where to Lacey didn't have a clue.

Not until three hours later when they'd returned from an unorthodox date of climbing through recycling bins followed by lunch which Marie had offered to pay to Lacey's relief.

They were in the bedroom, where the few possessions Lacey clung to resided. Marie sat on the floor on one side of the bed, organizing books in an old diaper box. Lacey stood on the other side riffling through her closet and throwing articles needing to be folded onto her bed.

"You know, you could stay with me." Marie had put on a playlist of throwback pop songs while the two worked and at the break after Justin Timberlake's Cry Me a River, she'd proposed the statement.

Without missing a beat Lacey replied. "I couldn't ask that of you."

"You wouldn't be." Marie said matter-o-factly. "I'm offering, just a few days - I don't want you getting bored of me." At this she peered over the bed and winked at Lacey, attempting to make the offer less daunting.

Lacey had finished going through her sparse closet and as she stared at the blank space it hit her. She, Lacey K. Marquette, was about to be homeless.

That was rock bottom wasn't it?

The one thing she'd thought she'd never have to fathom avoiding when she'd graduated. But here she was, in the unfathomable circumstance with cardboard boxes at her feet and a bare closet before her.

"Fuck." She mumbled.

"Was that a yes?" Marie ventured humor playing in her voice.

When Lacey didn't answer Marie's tone softened. With her back to the bed Lacey could hear footsteps as they paced to Lacey's rigid stance before her closet.

"I've really fucked up." Lacey whispered. "I haven't even got enough clothes to fill that box." Flippantly she motioned to the cardboard at her right.

"You could be a minimalist."Marie wrapped her arms around her shrinking frame.

Lacey knew she was trying to lighten the mood, but she couldn't bring herself to smile.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to be you know. I had a plan."

"I know, but sometimes-"

"They get fucked up. I know. It's just that.." Lacey trailed off. "They've been fucked up for a long time, and - and it's my fault. I didn't even get that job interview - you got it for me - and now if I stay with you will I be helping myself out of the rut or just into another?" Lacey spoke in fragments.

She found herself at the same crossroads she had the night Marie had offered her a job. Someone was throwing her a lifeline, Lacey would be stupid not to grab a hold. But where would she go from there, once she was hoisted from the frigid waters?

Was she capable of steering her own ship? There wouldn't always be someone to save her.

"Of course you can't do it on your own." Marie's words came back to her.

Lacey felt at odds with herself. She knew the sentiment to be true, and furthermore she knew Marie wanted to help. But the nagging feeling inside of her persisted, the one she'd drilled into her mind from day one. If she planned enough, saved enough, accounted for all the factors she could make it. On her own.

Never in her planning did she account for a friendly hand. And maybe that was why it was so difficult for her to imagine what would happen. This was the third time Marie would be boosting Lacey into the world. Did Lacey owe her something? Could she really say she'd made it, all on her own?

She bit at her lip.

"Do you have somewhere to else to stay Lace?"

Lacey shook her head into the cotton fabric of Marie's t-shirt.

"I want you to stay with me. We'll take it day by day." Marie smoothed back strands of Lacey's hair. "Tomorrow things will look different."

"Fuck." Lacey mumbled again. How had she forgotten. The interview. The exact reason she'd been pulling twelve hour workdays for the last week.

"I didn't get you that, you got the interview Lace, and you will get this job." 


Hope you enjoy xo  

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