Part 64

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"You guys can beat that?" I laugh at them.

After the competition had ended us four walked over to the results board. The boys shut there eyes and I read there placements. "Jacob, 6th, Corey, 3rd, Tanner 2nd... and omg Capron 1st place!!" I scream.

"no way ha ha!"

"Can 3rd, 2nd and 1st place please come and collect there prizes." the announcer says. They boys go.
"Jacob, your still my favourite" I smile up at him. "Well you'll always be mine charl."

Capron got a trophy and $5,000
Tanner got a new scooter and $1,000
Corey got $1,000

"So to celebrate us 3 have got a table booked at nados..." Capron says.
"Lets go."

We pull up and walk inside.
"Event full weekend if you ask me..." Corey says.
"How was it ?!" I laugh back mockingly.
"Don't get her started Corey she won't ever stop." Capron says.

{Caprons POV}

I actually swear that the whole world is is love with Charlotte, Tanner, Corey, Jacob, Jake and worst, me...

After eating we headed back to the hotel, I literally think we'd all had enough for one day. As we walked in there wasn't anyone on reception so we just walked up.

"Erm so you know how there's no one on reception?" Charlotte says.
"Yeaaaa?" Corey replies.
"Well that means there's no way for me to get into my room i've lost my key..."
"You are stupid !" I shout laughing.

"Looks like we're bunking in they." I say to her as we walk in.

"Throw me a shirt or a hoodie or something," she shouts to Corey.
I throw her our merch, "Alwaus reppinnnnn!" I laugh,
She goes in the bathroom.
Me and Corey look at each other and laugh/smirk.
"Well this is gonna be fun, where exactly is she sleeping?" Corey says.
"She's all yours," I say.
"Come one it's so obvious you like her Capron." Corey says.
"Well it's not like that, to be completely honest I don't what it is."

Charlotte comes out.
"The bathroom is right there and I'm not deaf." she laughs loads.

"oops?" I say.

{Authors Note}

This is way over due but omg it's difficult finding the time to write these!! 👎🏻
Also don't forget to vote babyssss!!

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