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by: lazywonderlnds on tumblr

There was supposed to be a stool. Not that it was dignified to use it, but Draco always made sure he was the only one in the supply cupboard when that became necessary. And that only if he hadn't demanded Blaise go get the ingredients himself.

Somebody had moved it, though, and there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell he'd manage to reach the top shelf without the boost. And of course his wand was back at the table, because why the hell should he have needed it to get some goddamned ingredients from the closet? It would be mortifying to go back out there, however, and have to tell Blaise he couldn't reach the bloodroot.

He clenched his jaw and looked up at the shelf. It was perhaps seven feet up, well out of Draco's reach, and yet he stubbornly lifted onto his toes to give it a try anyway. Pointless, of course – his fingers merely brushed the edge, picking up a layer of dust in the process. He scowled and dropped back down, and he hadn't even turned back around yet when from behind him someone said, "Need some help, Malfoy?"

It was a deep voice and all too familiar, filling him simultaneously with horror (at being caught by Potter) and a very keen sense of exhilaration, one which generally made itself known when Golden Boy was close by.

"I beg your pardon?" he said waspishly. But there was a look on Potter's face, a smirk, even ... it was wholly out of place there and made Draco feel, if possible, even smaller than his already insubstantial height.

"I asked if you needed help?" said Potter, eyebrows raised in such a way that – probably intentionally – made Draco feel as if he'd just overreacted.
"No," he said. For emphasis, he snatched a vial of dragon's blood from a lower shelf. "I don't need help."
"Okay," Potter half-laughed, drawing the word out mockingly. "So I imagined you reaching for the bloodroot on the top shelf, then?"

"I suppose so," said Draco airily. "Time to get your big fat head checked, Potter."

Stubbornly clutching the dragon's blood, Draco tried to manoeuvre his way around Potter and out of the cupboard, only to have his path blocked. He had to close his eyes and pull in a deep, steadying breath in order to calm himself. This was not only humiliating, but threw into sharp relief the difference that time had made of Golden Boy. Once, when they were eleven and twelve years old, Draco could have shoved his way past Potter.
This was very much not the case anymore.

It was bad enough Draco hadn't grown any taller than most of the girls in their year, but for Potter to have reached nearly six feet was just absolutely indecent. And not only that, but his shoulders were a hell of a lot broader than they had any right to be.
Potter was grinning, the heathen, and that on top of the fact that in this small space Draco was being bombarded with the smell of his aftershave left him feeling short of breath and with the first stirrings of arousal.

Beyond caring if it was childish, Draco tried to inconspicuously hold his breath when Potter reached over him and grabbed the bloodroot with no trouble at all. His jaw was locked furiously tight, but he must have looked more flustered than irritated because as soon as Potter looked down at him he chuckled.

"Relax, Malfoy," he said. He plucked the dragon's blood from Draco's hand, his ungodly green eyes stuck on Draco's as he set it back on its shelf. In spite of his scowling, Draco was entirely prepared to take the bloodroot from Potter, which made it ten steps beyond mortifying when he actually reached out for it, only to have Potter place it on a shelf just above Draco's head. Draco's mouth fell open, unbridled shock robbing him of his decorum.

Potter leaned forward, and with his hand on that upper shelf, Draco felt effectively trapped beneath him. He was suddenly close enough that his warm breath drifted maddening across Draco's cheek, and with a hard swallow and a lot of internal bracing, he turned his head just enough to meet Potter's eyes. He wondered vaguely what Potter would do if he knew Draco's cock was now stiff and aching.

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