29| the after effects

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Good morning baby girl!☺
I hope you had a good
night sleep.
Have a great day today🖒
Read 7:34am

Good morning chicken!
Yeah I did and I hope you did too
Thanks same to you!🖒
Read 8:34am


Asanda | Colton



"Hey baby girl"

"How was college?"

"It was really good. What about you?"


"What about work?"

"It was fine"

"That's good to hear"




"Why are we being so awkward?"

"I have no idea"

"It's weird"

"You don't say. Anyway, you mentioned that you write right?"


"How many novels have you written?"

"Why do you wanna know? Do you wanna read it?"

"Just tell me"

"About twelve"


"Yeah, when I have free time on my hands which isn't that much I always spend it writing my books"

"That's amazing"

"Yeah, now I don't have any spare time at all considering I use it talking to you"

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