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Double update beach
..I'll go now


This is what Taehyung and Jungkook look like so far,I'll do yoongi,namjoon,Jimin,hoseok,And Jin later in the book:) Now On with chapter 3!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Taehyung 🖤POV🖤(Connected to last chapter)

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This is what Taehyung and Jungkook look like so far,I'll do yoongi,namjoon,Jimin,hoseok,And Jin later in the book:) Now On with chapter 3!
Taehyung 🖤POV🖤
(Connected to last chapter)

"Jungkook why did you bring me here?"
"You just looked like you could use some cheering up"
"So you did it out of pitty!"
"W-what no taehyung,I did it to be nice and to make you happy ,because obviously something happened to make you cry like you did at the coffee shop!"
"Ugh, unlock the car I'm walking home."
"Unlock the car!"
"No I'm not letting you walk"
"Like you care we just meet today,and we're already yelling at each other."
"Taehyung I didn't do anything out of pitty,I did it because I see you everyday come into the café with a big box smile while talking to namjoon,and seokjin.Today was different I wasn't used to seeing you sad and crying.Ive wanted to be friends with you for a while now,but never made an effort to till today! you seem like an awesome,caring friend..why can't you just except that I'm trying to be nice?!"
Tears built up in my eyes unknowingly.Hearing  this from Jungkook was like a slap in the face,but a good one.I couldn't hold my tears back anymore and began to sob into my jacket sleeve.Jungkook noticed and hugged me tight constantly apologizing. Though it wasn't his fault.The sun had started to set,it was beautiful outside.Cherry Blossom leaves were falling as the sky was turning a pinkish color.It was like a cliché kdrama.
"I'm sorry.."
"No no you don't need to be,let me tell you why I was how I was,ok?"
"Ok,but let's stay like this a little longer"
It's short but "sweet".The next few chapters are gonna pretty much be the start of their friendship...and the start of something special!❤️

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