Chapter 14

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After mom saw the note she fell to the ground head in hands crying.

"I'm so sorry Alex I didn't want this to happen to you"

I went over to her and held her into my arms. "Look mom it's OK this not your fault OK"

She looked up to me tears still in her eyes. It breaks my heart to see her cry like this.

"Yes it is"

 I looked up at blaze is back was turned to me and I could tell he was mad. I was to but I'm trying to hide it because I think it will make things worst.

"Come on mom" I picked her up from the ground and walked her tot he room laying her down on the bed and once she laid down she was sleep. I laid down beside her, resting my head onto the pillow.

I heard Dagan yell in anger than something break making me flinch.

The sound of breaking glass and his yelling went on for about an hour than things got quit. Then I hear sobbing.

I jumped up from the bed and ran down stairs to see broken glass and tables flipped over and a crying Dagan on the floor.

I ran over to him and hugged him. He brought his arms around me and cried onto my shoulder.

"Why can't I protect you. I am so useless" He sobbed.

I smiled "Dagan you just don't know how much you have helped me."

I pulled him away from me and put both of my hands onto his cheeks bringing my thumbs up and wiping his tears away and gave him a smile."

"Dagan, I love you."

He smiled and brought me into a hug. "I love you too bunny."

He took me out of his embrace and kissed me with so much love and passion.

"I love you" I heard him say again. Making me smile agenst his lips.

That morning I woke up in a bed beside Dagan. I was wrapped into his arms and the sun was beaming on us. I turned around in is arms looking at his sleeping face. He was so cute. Is mouth parted a little and the sound of his breathing almost a snore. I wish we can stay like this all day.

I heard a small knock come from the door and my name being called from my mom.

"Ales,are you in there?"

"Yea, hold on mom"

I slowly pulled myself away from Dagan and walked to the door and opening it to see my mother with a shy smile on her face.

"Um, Alex I was just wondering if I could talk with you"

I looked back at a sleeping Dagan turned back to her "Sure"

We walked to the living room and sat down across from each other.

It was quit. I was just sitting there waiting for her to speak. Looking down playing with my fingers.

"You must really love him." I looked up at her to see she wasn't looking at me but like she was remembering something with a small smile on her face.

I smiled at the thought of Dagan and how fell in love with him in the small amount of town.. I nodded my head. "Yea, I do"

She looked at me and smiled. "I remember how I use to love your father like that." She stopped and l looked down at her hands and started playing with them.

"We were so In love. I remember how everyday he told me he loved me and said he would give up everything for me. But I guess love don't last forever. That's when he found his mate."

I gasped and looked up at her in shock.

"You wasn't his mate?"

She shook her head. "No"

"What happen?"

She sighed.

"His mate rejected him. She said she already found someone that he love and that's when it all went down. He became abusive. You should remember. When he left to try to convense his mate to love him and then he came back all abusive?"

I nodded my head yes.

"He said if he can't be happy then we can't be happy"


She looked up at me.


"Why were you so mean to me?"

She looked up to me and smiled. "To protect you"

I looked at her confused.

"I thought if I was mean to you and got you away from me then maybe when he came back you would have gotten away from me but I guess it didn't work. I think I just made things worst. I have no family. I made my own daughter hate me." He put her head into her hands and started to cry.

I walked over to her bringing her into a hug.

"Mom,I will always love you"

She looked up at me and smiled. "I love you to sweetheart"

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