4. My Realization

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It has been a whole day since the last objective, meaning that today...is a Friday. In class, all the others are focused on are plans for the weekend. For example, where they're gonna go, who they'll be going with, and what they plan to do. In my eyes, these plans are retarded and mostly useless. They are to me anyways because I don't have any friends to spend time with.

I yawned and placed my head against the cool wooden surface of my desk, still somewhat drowsy. The cicadas chirped outside and the sound of the air conditioning unit running combined with the chatter of the students within the classroom made it so that it was impossible to sleep. This thus rendered me in a state of constant drowsiness but also constant awareness.

I don't understand why everyone is so energetic when it is so hot outside. The sun's deadly rays almost seems to drain me of all vitality but these students seems to be fueled by it. This is the reason why I dislike summer. People just always seem to be in a high energy mode, possibly due to the clear weather outside. I'm more of a winter person. Why? Because that is when you really start to appreciate warmth.

I took out my phone from my pockets and placed it on my desk. I unlocked it and began browsing the internet, hoping to pass time until the bell would ring and signal the start of class. As I waited there, swiping left and right on my phone with no real purpose, I heard the sound of the chair next to my desk being pulled out. I glanced over and discovered that Muria has taken a seat in her desk.

My gaze soon drifted back to my phone for I have no real business with her. However, seeing her did remind me of the wound on my left hand, so I brought my left hand onto the desk and stared at the bandaged wound.

"Sorry about your hand," she apologized to me.

"Don't worry about it."

I glanced over at her and noticed that she appeared still somewhat in guilt about what had happened. This isn't like her because she would never treat me like that. More specifically, when she would talk to me, she would never even look at me unless needed to. Plus she would never treat me with such kindness.

"Look's like there's nothing to worry about then." She crossed her arms and that sorry look on her face immediately vanished.

There we go. That is the Muria I know.

"I've told you already," I said. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault for me to get hurt."

Silence ensued, leaving me in an awkward atmosphere. I must have raised my expectations way to high to think that the two of us could carry out a whole conversation so this is my punishment.

I sighed and lifted my head off my desk and leaned back against my chair, staring out the classroom window towards the distance. Numerous concrete buildings lined the horizon with the blue sky in the background. A few clouds dotted the sky and occasionally, one could see a trail of condensation following behind a plane in the air.

"You got plans for tomorrow?" Muria's voice lifted the seal of silence between the two of us in a surprising and astonishing way.

"What?" I turned my head towards her, surprised and unsure if I heard her clearly.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" she asked with a straight face, although she didn't look over towards me.

"No," I responded, still bewildered that she would ask me that question.

"Tomorrow," she started speaking, "3:00 PM. At Nocsinis station."

"What do you mean?"

"I am partly responsible for your wound. So I want to make it up to you."

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