Chapter 7

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Thank you to everyone who has read and voted for my book, I am really so great full because English is probably one of my worst subjects so I am finding this a bit hard but I really wanted to make this story. ❤️❤️❤️

Namjoon POV

BEEP!!!! My alarm went off at 5 am as always and I had exactly 1 hour to get up and get ready, but all I could think about was Kayla. My eyes shot wide open and I was out of bed before 5:05 which was a new record for me, it took me at least 15 minutes to get out of bed.Usually, I am one of the last to get up and get ready but today I was up and ready before everyone else in the dorm. I went to the bathroom, showered and did my hair I then went to my closet and looked for an hour outfit I chose a casual and comfortable outfit as I had dance practice after lunch and I didn't want Kayla to see me wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

  I went to the bathroom, showered and did my hair I then went to my closet and looked for an hour outfit I chose a casual and comfortable outfit as I had dance practice after lunch and I didn't want Kayla to see me wearing sweatpants and a hoodie

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After getting ready I went to the kitchen where I found Jin and Hoseok hyung eating breakfast. I sat down and started to eat, we didn't really say much as we were all half asleep. The others came in to eat. After finishing eating and get ready we all left the dorm and went downstairs to the garage were our van picked us up and we went to work.

When we arrived at work we met with our manager and found out our schedules for the day. First a photo shoot, then we had to record the final parts of our new album. After we have a lunch break, then for the rest of the day we have dance practice, but I was most excited for lunch as I got to see Kayla after we finished the morning half of our day I ran up to the roof. I looked at my watch 1 o'clock I had 15 minutes before Kayla came, I laid out a blanket I got from the props cupboard and set out the lunch boxes that we get for lunch. I would have cooked but I didn't want to poison her. I made sure that we were out of sight from cameras and staff who go up to the roof to smoke. I knew the perfect place on the left side of the roof there is a row of lockers blocking the end but one of the backs of the lockers has fallen off so if you open it you can walk through like a doorway. It was perfect, away from the smoking area, wondering staff and hidden away from paparazzi, it also had an amazing view and was comfortable. I looked at the time 1:13 I had 2 minutes I spent that time talking to myself trying to figure out the perfect way to great her.

Kayla POV

I looked at my phone 1:00 I had 15 minutes before I went to see Namjoon, I was so excited to see what he had planned. When I finished my work I walked to the elevator and waited. Whilst waiting I got a text from Namjoon telling me where he was on the roof. Before getting in the elevator there was an announcement: "Can Miss Marks please go to see the CEO in his office at 2:30 this afternoon please, that's Miss Marks to the CEO's office at 2:30 Thank You". The room went silent. I felt bad for the person who was sent to see the CEO people were only sent there for one reason they are getting fired.

When the elevator I stepped inside and the doors closed, and that was when it hit me, I'm Miss Marks. I froze, and at that moment one thought went through my mind' I'm going to get fired and sent back to England. At that moment I got a text from Mi-Ah she was freaking out.

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