Evilness in the Highest Degree

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That's evilness in the highest degree!

Why Wattpad, why?

Why put a cap on fanning?

What’s next, a cap on creative?

Can a single person only like a 1000 things?

I think not!

What is so wrong about a person fanning lots of others?

Why Wattpad have you crushed this little boy’s dream of fanning a million? (I’m a 20 year old man, but that’s just details.)

Why do I want to fan a million people, you ask Wattpad.

I don’t want to fan a million simply out of boredom, because I could, just to make my dream come true, or even to win The Fanning War of 2012!!(which I started).

I fan others to help others.

I know that this post is meant to be anonymous, but why hide like a blurred faced criminal on Cops (great show)? I’ve done nothing wrong (except for a few grammar mistakes here and there)!

I, Brooklyn a.k.a SugarMonsta, fan others to help them to promote themselves. To get more readers, reads, votes, comments, ect. I do interviews and book review in my Weekly Randoms to help with the promotion of others. The post that is about them is dedicated to them, but if they are not a fan of me or I’m not a fan of them. How can it be done?

Look Outside the Box Wattpad, there is more than one reason to fan a person and if you put the cap on fanning you will take away many of mine.


I wrote this for the Fan_Cap_Rebels. I would have dedicated this to them, but with the cap ineffect I could. I have long since reached the limit before the cap was even an idea. The Rebels have a book why you can send them your opinion about the fan cap and they'll post it.


Some maybe wondering why I chose that song. Cuase I was hurt by wattpad!! Why does this say it was posted July 3rd when today is July 2nd? I'm posting in the future!!!


each of these little break things are when I came back because I thought of something more to say.


My peak fanning was 15,300! I'm proud of that number, but its nowhere near the million I wanted!

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