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This one, Liam is the dad, and Harry is a family friend.

Shannon has been living with Harry since she was two years old, after her dad Liam ran out on her, and he's now standing at Harry's front door.

"Im going to try and be the dad that you deserved. I'm sorry, love." Liam said, going to pull her in for a hug but she stepped back.

Liam sighed, knowing it was probably too soon to do that. "Sorry." He mumbled. "So, to show that I'm going to be a good dad, I got you a few things, just a few start to my apology!" Liam said and handed Shannon a bag.

"You want show me you're a good dad by giving me presents?" Shannon asked, "well, I thought it would be a good start." Liam replied. "Being a good dad starts with presence not presents." Shannon said, handing the bag back to Liam.

"I've got a lot of work to do haven't I?" Liam asked Harry as Shannon headed upstairs. "It's going to take a lot more than a few presents, Li." Harry replied.

Liam had taken Shannon out to lunch, but he was on his phone the whole time.

He was then going to take Shannon to the pictures, but he was two hours late.

He then was going to have a dad/daughter day but he met up with other friends for a drink.

"I knew he wouldn't change." Shannon mumbled as she sat down next to Harry. "I'm here!" Liam called, face down as he was on the phone once again.

"I'm not going." Shannon said. Liam's head snapped up but only for a second as he went back to texting.

"Shannon..." Harry mumbled. "No, Harry! Look, he's not even paying attention to me!" Shannon said, the tears brimming in her eyes. "I thought you were going to try?" She asked.

"I am. I try, I always try." "You were never here, you were never fucking here! You left! I was two, dad! Two! I grew up believing that I done something wrong! The first man to ever break my heart was my fathers! Everyone going on about how great their dads were but when they asked me, I had to look away so they didn't see the tears in my eyes, threatening to fall. I was brought up by a guy who was your best friend and he's been a better dad to me than you have ever been! My own mother didn't even want me! Do you know how fucked up my life has been since you ran out!? You may as well just leave now!" Shannon said, Liam letting out a sigh, as he just left without another word.

Shannon took deep breaths. "I don't know why he even came back. I mean, he was never going to change right?" She asked.

"Shannzz." Harry said.

"I know for a fact that I'm not going to be like my mother or him, I'm going to be there for my kids! I'm going to be the best damn parent anyone has ever seen. I'm going to be the best mother I can be to my kids and I'm not going to be like the failures that my parents were. My mum, I learned how to do my hair without her, do my makeup, drive, I even became a woman without her, she missed my first steps, the first time I crawled, she even missed my first birthday. My dad, he missed me growing up, he wasn't there for the father/daughter dance that I told him about because you told me to ask him and he left me on read. I blamed myself for everything, for them leaving, for them not replying to my texts and calls. Everything that happened, I blamed myself. Now, my dad came back and said that he would try and be a good dad again, but the first time I tell him to go, leave, he doesn't even put up a fight, he doesn't even say anything. I mean, I should've known that it was going to be as easy as that am I right? I'm going to be there for my kids, when and if I have any. I'm going to be there for everything in their life because I want to show them that I am a parent, and they're not! I had FIFTEEN great birthdays without him, and he didn't even send me a fucking card. TO HELL WITH THEM!" Shannon yelled towards the door.

Harry looking at her, his face showing sorrow as she slowly turned back around, her lip shaking, and her eyes brimming with tears. "Why don't they want me, Haz?" She asked, her voice breaking as Harry pulled her in for a tight hug as she cried/sobbed into his shoulder.

The moral of the story is that no matter how much we try, no matter how much we want it... some stories just don't have a happy ending.

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