Chapter 18: In a world of its own

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"Now do you understand my child? In all my years of visiting earth I have not once had someone ask to be my friend, those who call for me only want power but your innocent heart only wanted a friend. I chose to give you a gift of seeing those for who they really were, forgive me for not understanding how this would hard you so." He bowed, looking filled with sorrow at the pain he had given to Verna.

"I don't regret asking you that, you allowed me to meet the man that I love with everything I am," she thought back to dreamer who was likely kneeling over her body and telling her to come back to him "And you let me save the life of someone I care of deeply about." It was true, Suzuko would be alive and live a happy life and that meant more than her own life.

"Id like to give you one more wish," He held out his hand "You can either come with me to the after life or try living once more, but I warn you, the gifts I have given you would still be with you."

"Why? Why would you do that for me?" Verna amber eyes teared up, she couldn't believe that he would help her once more.

"One thing I've never had was a friend, and I wish to be a true friend to you," Verna cried harder, throwing herself into the devils arms and holding him tight "Now child, if you wish to try life once more go through the mirror."

She released him, walking towards the mirror and touching the cool edged before turning back to look at the devil. He had disappeared, leaving her alone next to the mirror "I'll never forget you." she promised stepping through the glass and with that her vision went black.

"Verna! Verna!" A familiar voice touched her ears, and the feeling of a large warm hand cupping her cheek was what brought her to her senses.

"Dreamer?" Her voice was hoarse as she turned to look at him, her eyelids sluggishly opening.

"I thought I lost you," This was the first time she had ever seen her strong species man cry. She smiled to him, feeling love radiate off of him. She touched his cheek and pressed weak peck to his lips.

"Never." and that was a promise.

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