Chapter 33

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Blaze POV

"Why didn't you tell me she was your daughter?" I asked Dex.

He was standing to the side of the hospital room, leaning on the wall, tensed and brooding. Probably thinking about Zara. To be honest I am concerned too. She looked to be in a bad shape. It must hurt a lot. But I am also confident that she can take care of herself.

His luna was also there, bottle feeding Zara's youngest sister- Gracie was it?

And Hailey was just typing away on her mobile.

This is all so new to me. My mate, who I thought was an omega is actually an alpha's daughter? Why, what happened?

"Well, you didn't tell me you rejected her either." He growled at me.

How dare he use that tone with me. Only Zara has the right to do that.

That thought made me pause. It is true though. She is my equal. I could still feel Xavier's pride. If he had really give it a shot I guess he would have a bruised ego. But let's admit it neither Zara nor I could really go to our full extent.

"Watch your tone," I informed him coldly.

He sighed but refused to give me an explanation.

This is so frustrating.

Jem was still handling the commotion outside and I couldn't move out of this bed. The bandaged skin really hurt.

But I still acknowledged her. Not as a mate. But a worthy rival. I know I have been feeling down these past few days. I didn't know what I was missing. Now I do. I needed a worthy rival. And she is exactly what I need. In this sense.

She is someone strong enough to take me on, challenge me, taunt me and bring out the better in me in every sense. Yes, this is exactly what I needed.

Being rained alone can get very boring. Now I have something to aim for. I should order her to come train with me with all my personal training with the alphas. Maybe there we can continue our match. I know it may not be that easy convince her.

Xavier growled in approval.

That love-struck wolf. He will do anything to get closer to her. I rolled my eyes. This is the first time he has even responded to me so positively in years.

Normally, the fact that anyone coming to beat me irks me. But when in it comes to her. I feel like I am fine.

However, there is still something nagging me. I think only I felt it because ia am the king or maybe because I was closer to her. Her wolf, what's her name?


Of course, Xavier would know. Zian, something is definitely wrong with her.

I don't know what exactly. But it is something similar to some of the rare cases I have witnessed when wolves come out prematurely.

It is a very serious case because if these wolves are not disciplined, the chances of them going savage are high. Such wolves usually change due to some kind of trauma and they are normally brought to me.

They can become a danger to themselves and everyone around them. They would need some therapy to get back to normal. These wolves tend to be strongest than normal as they are fuelled by an unhealthy amount of rage. The human half feeling extreme negative emotions such as sadness or regret or even guilt can reflect on a wolf, their more primitive animal side as rage.

Animals only see in black and white, their emotions are raw, direct and powerful. And for them, anger is the easiest outlet for such emotions.

When I fought Zara's wolf, the rage I felt from Zian was something very similar. Only on a much, much more mass scale than I have ever experienced. The only difference was that it was very much controlled. Such emotional control is a bit scary even to me.

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