Chapter 12

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?? POV

I almost had her last night. But she just had to bit me and scream for that idiot alpha. I had to leave because he was coming.

It was early morning and I was hiding out in the bushes while the pack warriors walked around the perimeter. I growled to more myself than anyone in particular.

I will have that girl. If it is the last thing I do. She will die.

Alexander's POV

I sighed and ran my hand's through my hair. I had finally got Melanie to take a nap around 5 in the morning.

I wasn't able to fall asleep because of seeing that silhouette outside the window of the bedroom. I wasn't sure who it was but the conversation I had with Max a few nights ago about my mom possibly breaking out of the mental hospital. As much as I didn't want to believe him, the more I was starting to. Maybe he was right. But I couldn't think about that now.

It was 2 in the afternoon when Melanie finally woke up and she walked into the kitchen where I was making soup. "Hey. Sleep well?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah." She mumbled and came to stand next to me. I looked over and saw she had one of my sweatshirts on. It was gigantic on her and it went down a little ways past her knees and she didn't have pants on.

"That's a little big for you, isn't it?" I asked. She shrugged. "Whatever." She turned and walked away. "Did you sleep?" She asked me from the living room. "No, I didn't." I said, putting a lid on the pot and walked out to the living room.

"Why didn't you?" She asked me as I sat down next to her on the couch. "Because I wasn't tired. Is that a problem?" I asked in a harsh tone I didn't mean to use. She winced away from me. "I'm sorry." She whispered. I sighed and tried to reach out to her but she jerked away. "No. No." She said and scooted away from me.

I groaned. "Whatever. I'm going to check the soup." I sighed and stood up. "You want any?" I ask and headed for the kitchen door. "No. I don't want to eat." She whispered. I sighed. "I made it for you, though. What am I supposed to do with it now?" I growled and looked over my shoulder at her. "I don't know.. eat it?" She suggested but didn't look at me.

I sighed again and walked to the stove and turned it off. I grabbed the lid to take it off when I heard something in the living room break. "Mel? Babe?" I called and moved the pot off the burner. "ALEX!" 

I ran out of the kitchen to the living room and looked around. My heart stopped when I didn't see her on the couch. "Melanie?" I called and searched the whole house but she wasn't here. "No. No no no no! No, she can't be gone! Where is she?" I growled and ran back into the living room.

The world spun around me and pain coursed through my veins. When I thought I was getting better. When I thought I had someone in my life..

I looked up and through the spinning, I saw a person. "Mel?" I asked, reaching out. "No. It's not. It's Isabelle. Mel got kidnapped. I tried getting her but I wasn't fast enough. We have warriors chasing after her and her kidnapper."

Isabelle grabbed me and led me to the couch. I was still spinning. I lost her. "She won't answer our mind links. Even her parents tried. She seems too scared that she probably accidentally cut off her connection."

I shook my head. "It's my fault.. I wasn't paying attention... There was someone here last night.." I set my head in my hands. "Fuck!" I yelled. "Alex, it's not your fault. But I need to tell you something." Isabelle said, grabbing my wrists and knelt down in front of me.

"Alex.. it was your mother.. she took Melanie."

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